Podcasts for the Win

Parents all have the same questions--what can I do to keep the kids entertained without screens. Well, the county parks are back in operation and we love that. What about playing a podcast on the way to the park or later?

Writer Krista Tankoano sorted through plenty of them and came up with some of the best childrens’ podcasts.
Get Together, Stay Apart
Scientists say now is the toughest time for the spread of COVID-19. Families want to get together for the holidays, but they don’t want to expose each other to the virus. What can they do?
Electrifying Your Bike

After years of unassisted pedaling for hundreds of thousands of miles, this guy broke down and got his road bike turned into an E bike. The result? The biggest smile on two wheels since I learned to ride as a child. Hills are no problem and rides around Santa Cruz are way longer. It was impossible to find a local shop to do it, read how I solved the problem in this weeks Good Stuff.



The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk will become the first amusement park in California to reopen rides on Saturday, November 7, and Sunday, November 8. After voluntarily closing rides in early March, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk will reopen a limited selection of park rides including the world-famous 1924 Giant Dipper wooden roller coaster, to Santa Cruz County residents only in accordance with State of California reopening guidelines.  

Rides will operate on weekends only although public sections of the Boardwalk will remain open daily. Guests from outside Santa Cruz County will be able to enjoy Boardwalk rides whenever the County moves from Tier 3 to Tier 4.  

Reservations are required to enter the ride amusement area. Boardwalk rides are open for two sessions from noon to 2 pm and 3pm to 5pm. Admission to the ride area is $25 and guests will receive a 25-point MyBoardwalk card good for rides and games. Season Pass Members with a Santa Cruz County zip code will receive free admission and rides, but reservations are required. All guests inside the dedicated ride area will undergo a COVID-19 health screening prior to arrival and have their temperature checked before entering the ride.

The Toughest Time to Eat Healthy

Why do all of our holidays have so much sugar associated with them. As soon as we detoxify from Halloween, the cakes and pies start coming for Thanksgiving and suddenly it’s time for chocolate and peppermint for the big ones at the end of December. What can a person who wants to kick sugar do?

Where is this in Santa Cruz?

We stumbled on an amazing piece of pop-up art downtown. Do you know where it is? Have you seen it.Can you tell from the photo what it is? Winner knows where, what and why. Good luck! Send your answers to

Honor Your Favorite Teacher

And yet another contest. We will give prizes to teachers you nominate as your favorite teachers. Write an essay of at least 200 words about who they are and why you love them. We will pick one every month and give them some valuable gifts!!!


Again, send your candidates to

Keep the Presses Running

We’re still hoping people who value the information in Growing Up will help keep us publishing by donating to our GoFundMe.


We know times are tight and we are doing our best to keep you informed in print, online and in social media. It’s like swimming upstream, but we are going to do it as long as we can.


Thanks for reading!!!

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