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Stay Connected!

Issue 27

Hello <<First Name>>,

"Oh I couldn't do that..." 

We often hear that expressed in words or actions by ourselves or others. 

Trusting that insight and knowledge will come, when we have the courage to "just do it", is a leap.

A leap of faith possibly? Maybe wisdom is knowing trust is faith, faith in action.
How will you express your faith this week?

Stay Connected with what matters. Pass this newsletter onto a friend (or stranger!) and encourage others to sign up here so they too can be connected. 

Check out the Greystones Parish and Kilquade Parish websites during the week for information too.


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 

In preparation for our engaging with Scripture this weekend, it might helpful to reflect on the place of wisdom in your life.  Who is there in your life whom you regard as really wise. When did you become aware of it? Have you benefitted from it? 

If someone were to ask ‘how would you recognise wisdom and what are its marks’, what would you say? Have you learned from your encounters with wise people? Do you desire wisdom for yourself ?  Do you nourish your hunger for the qualities and attitudes which we associate with people who have learned from life? 

(adapted from reflections on the Gospel by Kieran O’Mahony OSA, )
Tune in to the webcam before 11:30am Mass to hear the welcome.
The Scripture readings are available daily and for Sunday.
Take time to check out our resource: Breaking Open the Word in Prayer


SUNDAY MASS is available at 11.30am from St. Anthony's church by CLICKING on the image BELOW
WEEKDAY MASS is available at 10am Mon – Sat from The Holy Rosary Church, by CLICKING on the image BELOW
Mass is also available at 10.30am weekdays on the RTE News Now Channel
Further details of our togetherness are here.
Each weekday night we have Night Prayer at 8pm on ZOOM.
As we remember loved ones who have died why not create a memorial space in your home with pictures of loved ones or memorial cards. It is an easy way of keeping them in our minds and hearts through the month of November.

During the month of November you are invited to spend some quiet time remembering our loved ones by visiting The Holy Rosary Church where there is a Sacred Space for Remembrance
In addition, you are invited to include your loved ones name on our
Digital Remembrance Space on the website here
There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in all churches each Friday during November between 11am - 5 pm to pray for the souls of the dead.
See more details of these faith community initiatives for the month of November here.

Those who died this year in our parishes will be remembered especially at this Mass.

All are welcome to join this virtual celebration on Sunday 15th by clicking here.

For all those families who celebrated a Requiem Mass this past year you are invited to:
  • Collect a personalised named candle before Sunday Nov. 15th from the Church where the funeral took place.
  • Send in a photo of your loved one by Tuesday 10th Nov.  It would be lovely to have a picture included in the liturgy, however, be assured all those who died will be remembered on Sunday 15th. 

Are you with us?

Sacramental Preparation 2021
Our Registration Form is now in place for parents who have a child they wish to present to receive the Sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation in 2021. Details of the process is available here. Please spread the word.  
No matter how small - everything is welcome and appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who has donated and continues to support the Pastoral Area during this time.
Money collected normally through the collections on a Sunday go to the Diocesan Common Fund and Share Fund. These have been impacted in recent months.
The Monthly Parish Plan Giving Collection has also been impacted. This is the only collection that remains in the parish
Contributions to any of the collections are welcome. When donating, we would encourage you to make online donations, as a preferred contactless option. Alternatively, there is a card terminal now installed in the Pastoral Area office.

Details on how to support and contribute to the Greystones Parish or the Kilquade Parish are available by clicking the appropriate links.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
What's my Story?
There I was... wondering what I could do.
With lockdown, I couldn't visit my dad in a nursing home or support him in the way I was used to.
The separation for us both was tough (as it was for many others too.)
I drummed up the courage to ask for prayers at our night prayer gathering.

With total acceptance of my worries, those there, took my prayer into their hearts.
Knowing that my request for prayer was heard, lifted a weight I didn't realise I was carrying.
I didn't know whether my prayer would be answered in the way I had hoped.
In time I realised an answer would present itself, I just needed to open my eyes and heart to what that would be.

Sharing my prayer helped me twofold: an understanding that my worry was shared and the joy of knowing the prayer became the group's prayer.

Prayer, written, spoken or unspoken brings us graces we never realise or expect when we are in that moment.
Engaging with and seeing my dad, although through a screen, was better than not seeing him at all.

You are invited to share your prayer by sending it in.
 will be included in our faith community Night Prayer gathering. 
You are also very welcome to come and join Night Prayer on Mon - Fri. where prayers spoken or unspoken are always welcome. Details are 
Good times? Tough times? Share your prayer!
Let us pray for those who have died recently.
Requiem Masses celebrated in our Pastoral Area this week include those of:

Deirdre (Dee) Kelleher
Gunter Starke

We offer our sympathy to her family and friends.
May they rest in peace.


In the coming weeks, look out for information here on the following:
Preparing for the Season of Advent and Christmas


A simple care package, filled with love & care, can have a HUGE impact.

There are currently 8,600+ people homeless across Ireland, this includes adults and children. Help us care for the homeless with our Light House Christmas Donation drive! Further details here.

Enrolment for Junior Infants 2021-2022 for St. Brigid’s N.S. Greystones takes place from November 2nd- 23rd 2020. Applications forms available on the school website Completed applications along with a scanned copy of your child’s birth cert and proof of address should be emailed to

From Laudato Si’ to Fratelli Tutti:
caring for our common home as brothers and sisters


Musical Moments for Reflection
Our theme this week is "STAY AWAKE"
Click on any of the images below and listen to the selection,
reflecting on the words and music that you hear and images your see.
Copyright © 2020 Parishes of Greystones and Kilquade, All rights reserved.