

Women filmmakers sweep top film awards at the 17th Annual Bosnian Herzegovinian Film Festival.

New York City, November 1, 2020 — The Bosnian-Herzegovinian Film Festival (BHFF) in New York City is excited to announce the winners of the Golden Apple Awards for the 17th annual event! The winners of the BHFF 2020 Golden Apple Jury Awards were selected by this year's esteemed jurors: renowned author Aleksandar Hemon, filmmaker Aleksandra Odić, and graphic design artist Bojan Hadžihalilović.

Ena Sendijarević's "Take Me Somewhere Nice" captures the BHFF 2020 Jury Award for Best Feature Film.  

“Take Me Somewhere Nice” is a courageous, original, humorous and contemporary film whose images and scenes will be remembered for a long time.  Ena Sendijarević, with her debut feature length film, has shown that she faces a long and interesting future as a filmmaker. - BHFF 2020 Official Jury.

In this coming of age story, which is director Ena Sendijarević’s feature narrative debut, the Netherlands-based, adolescent Alma embarks on a road trip of self-exploration into the Bosnian heartlands, during which she will try to both unearth and understand the roots of her own identity.

Also a winner of Sarajevo Film Festival's "Heart of Sarajevo", and shortlisted as one of the films in contention as the Dutch entry for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film at the 92nd Academy Awards, "Take me Somewhere Nice" is an amusing and poignant film that, with a series of little ellipses and jumps, finally takes us to an unexpected world of fear and grief - and then back again, to the stylized unseriousness of youth.

Nejra Latić Hulisić's "The Infidel" wins the BHFF 2020 Jury Award for Best Documentary Film and the BHFF 2020 Audience Award for the Best Picture

“The Infidel" is a very intimate portrait of a young man, Dino, and his extraordinary life story in contemporary Bosnian society. Directed in a unique and enlightening way, shot with a handheld camera which is sensitive and reaches the protagonist’s core, the film also addresses the current discourse that affects the younger Bosnian generations. Dino’s story poses universal questions about the individual freedom of choice and social acceptance of the other, to which the filmmakers and the main character courageously devote themselves. - BHFF 2020 Official Jury. 

A young Bosnian man, Dino, whose father moved his family from Bihać to a closed commune of the Islamic Wahhabi movement, is trying to rebuild his life after renouncing radicalism and returning to his hometown to start over. But, he still struggles with the rejection both from his surrounding community and from his family, who now live in Syria.

Sabina Vajrača's "The Variables" got BHFF 2020 Jury Award for the Best Short Narrative Film.  


"Variables" is dedicated to the former children of the war who, now adults, scattered throughout the world as a result of flight and expulsion, had to show extraordinary emotional maturity and
determination at a very early age. By using the documentary archive images of the Bosnian war, within the fictionally told story, the film manages to deepen in a stylistically coherent and comprehensive way closeness to the protagonist and his fate. This short film captures todayhow those painful emotions were suppressed through rational calculations in favor of “the best
option for all" decision.”  -
BHFF 2020 Official Jury.


15-year-old maths whiz Nikola is offered an unexpected chance to escape war-torn Sarajevo when his math club receives an invitation to participate in the 1995 International Math Olympics in Canada. Nikola initially sees the invitation as a reward for his dedication to mathematics and his club in the midst of the siege of Sarajevo.  It is also a chance to experience teenage life outside of a war zone. But escape comes with a price: Nikola must face the possibility of leaving, and perhaps never again seeing, his mother and younger sister.  

Alban Ukaj is awarded the BHFF 2020 Jury Award for Best Acting Performance for his role as Hamza in Nermin Hamzagić’s "Full Moon".

Alban Ukaj, the lead actor in “Full Moon”, performs with depth and self-confidence in his depiction of a police officer whose problems are also the problems of contemporary Bosnian society. Alban Ukaj carries the entire film on his strong acting backbone. -BHFF 2020 Official Jury.

In Nermin Hamzagić’s feature debut “Full Moon”, the story set over the course of a single night follows the police inspector Hamza, who faces many personal and professional problems. Through his many interactions with fellow police officers, petty criminals and ordinary citizens, Hamza encounters the microcosm of Bosnia’s everyday life.

Guillaume de Fontenay's "Sympathy for the Devil" receives the BHFF 2020 Jury Special Mention.

Without a doubt, this film is one of the most significant ones about the war in Sarajevo. It captivates with an unusual and hectic energy, just as Paul did with his personal character and his mission he had for Sarajevo. The film depicts the horrors of the city siege, but also the unusual circumstances that connected civilians and foreign reporters. The rhythm of madness and emotions permeates throughout the film, and in that frantic relationship we follow the love story between Paul and the Sarajevan girl Boba, who draws him into the life and the fight of the civilians for survival. This is not a romanticized biography of Paul Marchand, but almost a punkish film about love and death, good and evil, about the role of the media and the truth, and ultimately about the person who Sarajevans accepted as “one of us”.  - BHFF 2020 Official Jury.

“Sympathy for the Devil” is based on a true story of journalist Paul Marchand’s experience in Sarajevo under siege. Racing through the infamous “Sniper Alley” in his white Ford, the Frenchman relentlessly insists on informing the apathetic western world about the ongoing mass atrocity that the city is facing.

Festival Director Damir Pozderac and Programmers Dijana Jelača and Amir Husak announced: “We are particularly proud of the success of this year’s festival because it was held virtually for the first time, due to the ongoing pandemic. On behalf of the entire BHFF team, congratulations to the winners and thank you to our guests, jury, donors, and audience members, who all came together to make the 17th annual BHFF a spectacular achievement.”



Žene režiseri odnijele najveće nagrade na sedamnaestom godišnjem Bosanskohercegovačkom filmskom festivalu.

Njujork, 1. novembar 2020 - Bosanskohercegovački filmski festival (BHFF) u Njujorku sa velikim zadovoljstvom objavljuje dobitnike nagrada Zlatna Jabuka na ovogodišnjem festivalu! Pobjednike nagrade Zlatna Jabuka žirija odabrali su ovogodišnji cijenjeni članovi: renomirani književnik Aleksandar Hemon, režiserka Aleksandra Odić, i grafički dizajner Bojan Hadžihalilović.

Film Ene Sendijarević, “Take Me Somewhere Nice”, dobio je nagradu žirija za najbolji igrani film na BHFF-u 2020.


“Take Me Somewhere Nice” je hrabar, originalan i duhovit savremeni film čije će se scene dugo pamtiti. Ena Sendijarević, sa svojim prvim igranim filmom, pokazuje da ima ispred sebe dugu i zanimljivu budućnost kao režiserka. - Zvanični žiri BHFF-a 2020.


U ovoj priči o punoljetstvu, koji je igrani narativni prvijenac režiserke Ene Sendijarević, adolescentkinja Alma, koja živi u Holandiji, kreće na put samo-otkrivanja duboko u srce Bosne, gdje će pokušati da otkopa i razumije korijene vlastitog identiteta. Ovaj film je isto tako dobitnik nagrade Srce Sarajeva na Sarajevskom filmskom festivalu, i bio je na užem spisku kandidata sa kojima Holandija učestvuje u takmičenju za američkog Oskara za najbolji međunarodni igrani film na 92.-oj dodjeli nagrada.  "Take me Somewhere Nice" je zabavan i dirljiv film koji nas, kroz niz kratkih elipsa i skokova, na kraju dovodi do neočekivanog svijeta straha i tuge - i natrag, u svijet stilizirane neozbiljnosti mladosti.

“Ćafir,” film Nejre Latić Hulusić, dobio je nagradu žirija za najbolji dokumentarni film BHFF-a 2020, kao i nagradu publike za najbolje filmsko ostvarenje BHFF-a 2020

“Ćafir” je vrlo intiman portret mladog covjeka, Dina, i njegove nesvakidašnje životne priče u savremenom bosanskom društvu. Režiran na jedinstven i prosvjetljujući način, sniman ručnom kamerom koja na osjetljiv način dopire do srži glavnog lika, film se bavi i temom koja pogađa mlađe generacije u Bosni. Dinova priča postavlja univerzalna pitanja o slobodi izbora pojedinca, kao i društvenog prihvatanja drugoga, kojima se režiserka i glavni lik hrabro posvećuju. - Zvanični žiri BHFF-a 2020.

Mladi Bosanac, Dino, čiji je otac preselio porodicu iz Bihaća u zatvorenu komunu islamskog Wahabi pokreta, pokušava izgraditi svoj život nakon što je odbacio radikalizam i vratio se u svoj rodni grad da počne iz početka. Ali još uvijek se bori sa saznanjem da su ga odbacili i njegova okolina i njegova porodica, koja sada zivi u Siriji.

“Varijable,” film Sabine Vajrače dobio je Nagradu žirija za najbolji kratki narativni film BHFF-a 2020.  

"Varijable” je posvećen djeci rata koja su rasturena svuda po svijetu kao rezultat nasilja i  izbjeglištva, i koja su morala da pokažu nevjerovatnu emotivnu zrelost i odlučnost u vrlo ranoj dobi. Sa dokumentarnim arhivskim snimcima bosanskog rata koji prožimaju fiktivnu priču, film uspjeva da produbi bliskost publike sa glavnim likom i njegovom sudbinom na stilski logičan i sveobuhvatan način. Ovaj kratki film nam prikazuje kako su bolna osjećanja potiskivana kroz racionalne proračune. - Zvanični ziri BHFF-a 2020. 

U filmu “Varijable,” petnaestogišnji matematički genije Nikola dobija neočekivanu šansu da izbjegne ratom razoreno Sarajevo kad klub matematičara dobije poziv da učestvuje na Međunarodnoj matematičkoj Olimpijadi u Kanadi 1995. Ali bijeg dolazi sa cijenom: Nikola se mora suočiti sa mogućnosću da možda nikad više neće vidjeti svoju majku i mlađu sestru. 

Alban Ukaj je dobio nagradu žirija za najbolju glumu BHFF-a 2020 za ulogu Hamze u filmu “Pun mjesec” Nermina Hamzagića.

Alban Ukaj, glavni glumac u filmu “Pun mjesec” odglumio je sa samopouzdanjem i pronicljivošću ulogu policajca čiji problemi su ujedno i problemi savremenog bosanskog društva. Alban Ukaj nosi čitav film na svojim jakim glumačkim leđima. - Zvanični žiri BHFF-a 2020.

U filmu prvjencu “Pun mjesec” režisera Nermina Hamzagića priča se razvija tokom jedne noći i slijedi policijskog inspektora Hamzu, koji se suočava sa mnogim ličnim i profesionalnim problemima. Kroz interakcije sa kolegama policajcima, sitnim kriminalcima i običnim građanima, Hamza nailazi na mikrokosmos svakodnevnog života u Bosni.

Guillaume de Fontenay-ev film "Sympathy for the Devil" dobio je posebno priznanje žirija BHFF-a 2020.

Bez sumnje, ovaj film je jedan od najupečatljivijih filmova o ratu u Sarajevu. Zarobljava nas svojom neobičnom i jakom energijom, isto kao i Paul svojim karakterom i ciljem da pomogne Sarajevu. Film prikazuje strahote okupiranog grada, ali i neobične okolnosti koje su povezivale građane i strane novinare. Ritam ludila i emocija prožima čitav film, i u tom grozničavom odnosu slijedimo ljubavnu priču izmedu Paula i djevojke iz Sarajeva, Bobe, koja ga uvlači u život i borbu običnog naroda za opstanak. Ovo nije romantizovana biografija Paula Mancharda, nego pomalo buntovan film o ljubavi i smrti, dobru i zlu, o ulozi medija i istini, i na kraju, o osobi koju su Sarajlije prihvatile kao “jednog od nas.” - Zvanični žiri BHFF-a 2020. 

“Sympathy for the Devil” je zasnovan na istinitoj priči o iskustvu novinara Paula Marchanda u Sarajevu za vrijeme opsade grada. Jureći kroz zloglasnu Snajpersku aleju u bijelom Fordu, Francuz neumorno insistira na obavještavanju apatičnog svijeta na zapadu o svakodnevnom masovnom zlodjelu koje se vrši nad gradom. 

Direktor Festivala Damir Pozderac i programeri Dijana Jelača i Amir Husak su izjavili: “Posebno smo ponosni na uspjeh ovogodišnjeg festivala jer se odvijao virtualno po prvi put, zbog pandemije koronavirusa. U ime cijelog BHFF tima, čestitamo pobjednicima i zahvaljujemo se nasim gostima, žiriju, donatorima, i publici, koji su svi zaslužni za izuzetno dostignuće 17og godišnjeg BHFF-a.

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