Daily Zoom Yoga Group Classes // November Moon Centres Online Workshop // November Closing the Bones Training in Leicester! // December Rebozo Self-Massage & Self-Wrapping Women Circle // In-Person Treatments still ongoing // Rebozo, Malas, NYR offers // Full Moon Info
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November Newsletter

Dear all, 

The November newsletter is a little early, but I wanted to still share the information for today's full moon with you (all the way towards the end of this newsletter) so that you can benefit from it. And there are some workshops for November that you might want to join (an in-person Closing the Bones training - fingers crossed we can run it... - , and an online Moon Centres workshop).

In this coming week, our group yoga classes will be devoted to heart-centered yoga sets and meditations honouring Guru Raam Daas ji. Guru Raam Daas ji was the 4th Sikh Guru and takes a prominent place in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga as well as in Sikh Dharam. We celebrate Guru Sahib's birthday on Katak Vadi 2 (according to the Indian Bikrami calendar - the Indian lunar calendar used by Sikhs), which falls this year on Monday 2 November (Guru Raam Daas ji's picture opens this newsletter and also features prominently in my yoga studio at home). We already worked with a beautiful meditation on Guru Raam Daas ji's energy in yesterday's meditation class.

And on a personal level, there is a significant moment of celebration in our household this coming week too, as my husband and are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary. For a marriage of 2 people who had never met each other at the time they agreed to get married (we arranged our marriage on the basis of a Hukamnama Sahib, a Divine Order in the Sikh tradition coming directly from Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji) and who only first met as I landed in India less than 3 weeks before we had our wedding ceremony there, I don't think we are doing too badly :) It teaches me so much in my personal life: how to trust in Guru Sahib; how total commitment to loving a person for who they are and for what they bring with themselves and growing together with them, before the mind gets a chance to say what it likes or doesn't like about the other person, is such a powerful way to step into and journey through the many many challenges of married life. These have definitely been the most profound 5 years of my life, with the most growth, with the most challenges (bridging 2 totally different cultural backgrounds makes marriage even more 'interesting') but also with the most sweetness and joy.


Sweetness and joy are qualities I've definitely been finding in our group classes in these past months as well! 

We've been welcoming quite a few new people in the online yoga classes this past month, which has been wonderful, and some students from years ago have rejoined again. Seeing you all online every day has really been brightening up the shortening days! It's wonderful having that regular contact with all of you, and I hope it can be a great support for you all now that the days are getting so much shorter.

Thank you also to all who have been emailing re: the Yoga Class Award - that's been extremely sweet of you.

I'll repeat all the info for the daily online yoga classes below again - you can join at any time, and you can choose to be with us once a week up to 5 times a week, at different times of the day as well. All classes are live classes (so no recordings made or sent - I want to be able to create an in-class consciousness for all who join).

What's happening workshop-wise this coming month?

* I'll hopefully be back with a new in-person Closing the Bones training in Leicester, next weekend 7 & 8 November 2020, at The Space to Breathe (our previous Monday evening yoga studio, which isn't used for any classes currently, so it's a very safe space for us to gather for an entire weekend)! The speculations that have started today around a new lockdown are causing some uncertainty re: whether we can run this training, but I'll keep everyone who is registered closely updated.
If we can run it, it'll be the only chance for an in-person training with me this year 2020, and the group is limited to 6 trainees. I have 1 space left at the moment! So if you feel called, do sign up asap.
All info can be found on the folder on my website: or on the FB-event.

* I am finally offering my Men's & Women's Moon Centres workshop on Zoom! This is a Humanology & Yogic Lifestyle workshop open to both men & women - on Saturday 21 November we'll gather from 10.15am to 12.15pm GMT. I'll be sharing the type of knowledge you'll afterwards ask about: 'how come we aren't being taught this in late primary, early secondary school???' The knowledge we'll be discussing is so crucial, so vitally important to understand how we function, how we 'tick'... You'll be feeling throughout the workshop 'oh, THAT's why (X Y Z) !!'. More info further below in this newsletter.

* There will likely be NO Online Rebozo workshop in November (as I'm already running the in-person 2-day training and the Moon Centres workshop online -- if the 2-day training becomes impossible, I might reconsider) - the next date is Friday evening 11 December 8-10.30pm GMT : for more info.

Did you know that new research is showing that it is likely not adrenaline, but osteocalcin (which is released by the bones of our skeleton) that drives the stress response -- and that it thus makes absolute sense to work on the bones during or after situations that have caused us stress, such as childbirth, a miscarriage, any trauma, a huge change in our circumstances, the current pandemic, loss, ... 

* I am - for now - still offering all my treatments at home. This means you can book in for
Restorative Full-Body Massages & Foot Massages
Closing the Bones Ceremonies
Liver Detox Packings
* 1-2-1 yoga classes (max. 2 students at any time)
* face-to-face consultations 
(students who can't do online sessions will get priority to book in).

There are certain measures in place which we'll discuss beforehand when you contact me for a booking. I've only seen about 2 people per week, but it's been SO good to finally be offering in-person work again ... 

New products, as well as new offers and discounts on skincare products, rebozos, malas, ... still appear constantly on my Instagram account and FB page. The Rebozos, Malas, homemade skincare products and Neal's Yard Organic Remedies products can all make for beautiful end of year gifts (NYR has a gorgeous range of Christmas products available, but I also do bespoke gift creations, e.g. on the many offers you'll find all the way at the end of this newsletter; these can all come gift-wrapped).

* 2 particular Meditation Malas that I've created this month have been very popular (they are gorgeous, so I'm not surprised):

- this Autumn colour inspired Moss Agate, Bloodstone and Yellow Mookaite mala

- and this Aquamarine mala that I created specifically for the upcoming full moon

I currently have quite long waiting times for bespoke orders, please bear that in mind. I do have several malas ready for posting though: 

You can also browse the webshop of course. 

* I have truly splendid new rebozos come in, with the last order just having arrived today in time for the training next weekend - you can find them all on the webshop, with lots of sales at the moment, including on the embroidered ones:


* Homemade Aromatherapy Blend: all the anti-germ and immune-boosting blends are incredibly useful this season!
Men's & Women's Moon Centres Online Workshop

On Saturday 21 November, from 10.15am until 12.15pm (GMT / UK Standard time) I'll be offering my Humanology & Yogic Lifestyle Workshop "Men's & Women's Moon Centres" in online format.
Humanology is the science of understanding human nature. By understanding human nature, we mean understanding what causes human beings to feel and respond the way we do. In this workshop we investigate a little known but hugely important part of yogic anatomy and humanology: the science of the Moon Centres or Moon Points.

Moon Centres are physical and energetic areas of the body that are affected by the lunar energy. Men have one such point on their body, women have eleven. That is why the male energy is more associated with the sun, with Yang energy, with stability, while female energy is more associated with the moon, with Yin energy, with fluidity, water and change. As the moon moves through these centres in a 27 ½ day cycle, a woman goes through 11 different energies, different ‘personalities’ almost, repeating itself every 27 ½ days. This pattern is not a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Getting to know these centres, understanding their strengths and pitfalls, and learning how to map one’s individual cycle through them, greatly empowers a woman. She can learn to organise her personal and work life around what is happening energetically within her. For a man, the understanding of this essential aspect of female nature will help him fathom ‘the mystery of woman’ more easily. When both genders understand each other’s moon centres, professional relationships naturally become much more efficient and personal relationships and family life become more harmonious and happy.

This interactive workshop is open to men and women, 16+. We will discuss both the male and the female Moon Centres in detail and with practical life examples, we will help you with advice on how women can create their own Moon Centre map (also with the help of their partner), and we will practice a meditation that balances the points (men will practice this meditation in a slightly different way than women).
No experience in Kundalini Yoga or any other Yoga is required.

Investment: £25 per person or £45 for couples. For couples who both want to do the workshop, but who e.g. have to juggle childcare amongst themselves and can’t both attend on the Saturday morning, I will make a recording available so they can watch it together again (or just the partner who couldn’t attend).
Registration is required and bookings are only secured after payment of the registration fee!

Everyone is very welcome to this Zoom workshop. It's the type of knowledge you'll afterwards ask about: 'how come we aren't being taught this in late primary, early secondary school???' The knowledge we'll be discussing is so crucial, so vitally important to understand how we function, how we 'tick'... You'll be feeling throughout the workshop 'oh, THAT's why (X Y Z) !!' Really a workshop not to be missed!! (if you can't make the date, I do offer these as 1-2-1 or couple coaching sessions to....)

All details (including how to register) can be found on my Workshops page on the website or on the FB-event
2-day Closing the Bones Training in Leicester 7 & 8 November - Very Last Space!! 

I'm deciding to live on hope -- and work on the hope that a heavily speculated and possible new lockdown in the UK is not going to stand in the way of me finally offering an in-person Closing the Bones training in Leicester again, on Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 November! I have just 1 space left - and if we need to cancel, you'll get your registration fee refunded.

This November training is to be held at The Space to Breathe, which is a beautiful and cozy studio right in the center of Leicester. We used to run our Monday evening yoga classes there, but since Covid the studio hasn't been used by any groups, and so it's a very safe space for us to gather for an entire weekend.

It'll be a VERY small group, and the only chance for an in-person training with me this year 2020.
We currently have 5 people signed up and I have space for just 1 more person - but you can also join the waiting list, in case someone has to go in self-isolation due to Covid. 
All info can be found on the folder on my website: or on the FB-event.

December's Rebozo Self-Massage & Self-Wrapping Workshop
As by now many of you know, ever since the first beautiful and nurturing Rebozo Self-Massage & Self-Wrapping Red Tent during the GBKY festival I have been running these sessions once or twice a month, with women joining from all from all over the world, from all walks of life and backgrounds, from so many different cultures, and from so many age groups ranging from teenagers and young adults to women in the peri-menopause and having entered those beautiful wisdom years of the crone. Many women have been joining nearly every circle, and we'll be at our 10th occurence next time!

IF I have to cancel my Closing the Bones training early November, I might try to offer an online workshop in November, but for now there is no circle planned for November -- the December Rebozo Women's Circle is already scheduled in though, for Friday evening 11 December 8-10.30pm GMT/BST. It's not a good idea to wait til the last day to register, as almost each workshop has been booked full. 

For all info, you can go to the Facebook-event or the folder that you can find on my Workshops webpage.

We come together in a nurturing circle -- women trying to conceive, women having recently given birth, women recently having miscarried. Women learning how to wrap and massage themselves when they are menstruating to help eliminate period pains. Women learning tools to help with their IBS. Women finding themselves again. Women falling in love with themselves again. Women honouring themselves again. Women rising up and holding the space for other women to rise up... Women diving deep into their pain, and coming back out on the other side. Women being vulnerable and real among other women.

Videos can be on or off, so you will be sharing as much as you are comfortable with.

I will be introducing you to the Rebozo or Manta, a shawl traditionally used in Closing the Bones or Cerrada-ceremonies. Traditionally offered during the postpartum (or to heal a miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, loss), Rebozo work as offered in Closing the Bones is also used to support us when menstruating, to mark major transitions in a woman’s life, such as the menarche, marriage, divorce, job or home changes, (peri)menopause, hysterectomy, … , to help with fertility problems, as well as for treatment of anxiety, shock, trauma, PTSD, ADD, autism, or sensory over-stimulation. There is nearly no end to its applications.

If you ask me to name what has changed my life most profoundly in the last 4 years, it's these Rebozos and what they allow me to do for myself and others. The work they allow me to do. The feedback this cloth can give me as soon as I wrap it around myself or someone else...

For me, the humble Rebozo or Manta symbolizes both the fabric and the tight weave of Sisterhood: it provides support, comfort, softness, the feeling of being held, and a chrysalis-like space for the many transformations we as women go through. While being rocked and wrapped in a Rebozo helps a woman to find her own self and center again and seals up any energy leakages, being in a circle of women can do the same thing for us. Now imagine the strength of those 2 combined…

So we will gather online, share (if wished) in a Women's Circle, and nourish ourselves with beautiful Rebozo massage techniques for the entire body from head to feet, with a tender womb-space massage and with Rebozo wrapping on ourselves, holding space for stagnated energy and stuck emotions to be released gently but powerfully.

I’ll show you several ways in which you can massage your entire body with a Rebozo (and even use it for stretches in your yoga practice), teach you to wrap your own head, torso, abdomen and hips, and show you some hands-on massage techniques for the abdomen and hips, helping to release tension from the abdominal fascia as well as adrenaline deposits on the hip bones.

Bring a Rebozo to the session, and some massage oil and a small towel. The cloth you work with should be around 2-2.5m long, and 50-60cm wide. If you would like to work with a Mexican Rebozo but you don't have one, you can purchase them from my webshop and I can parcel them out in time for the workshop. - click further to Rebozos/Mantas. I have some beautiful discounted combos of open and close weaves that are perfect for the work we do in these workshops (and what you can then keep doing at home).
Daily Zoom Yoga classes during this lockdown

So, a repeat of what I've been writing in previous newsletters (we're soon entering our 9th month of online classes...)

The first 3 days of the week we repeat the same kriya & meditation, so you get to experience a kriya and meditation much deeper should you want to (of course you can just join only once!).
* Monday 7-8.30pm
* Tuesday 7-8.30pm
* Wednesday mid-morning 10.30am-12pm

And then we have the 2 shorter (45 minute) classes:
* Thursdays 12-12.45pm: lunchtime class
* Fridays 4.30-5.15pm: weekly meditation class

--- these are the UK (GMT) times, add 1 hour for e.g. Belgium, the Netherlands, France, ...

You can always check this again on the Class Schedule page of my website.

I will be continuing with this schedule for the foreseeable future and classes will stay online throughout Autumn and Winter. So-called "hybrid teaching" (some of you in person in the room, others on Zoom) is something I won't do, as I would personally feel that I'm serving neither group to my best capacity if my attention has to be divided between people physically present, and people online. I feel that both media come with totally different needs for teaching, with different ways of holding space and being present to you all. 
I very much appreciate that Zoom classes are not the ideal scenario for everyone, and are making it impossible for some people to join us - I'm so sorry about that, and I would love to see and teach you in an in-person setting again. But my continuing feeling is that our current Zoom classes are still the best possible solution given the alternatives, and will probably be for a (good?) while to come.
I also realize that for others, these online classes are actually working better than in-person classes (no travelling to class and back, being able to practice without feeling self-conscious in a group, ...) and that some of you wouldn't even be able to be with us as you live far away. So there is a blessing in all this, and I have personally found and heard from many of you that our online classes are allowing very powerful work to take place, and I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity to continue to teach.

If you like to join us and you're wondering about the payment structure: this can be found on the Prices page and is also explained here again:

We are carrying on with the same prices as for our normal 90 min. Zoom group classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but instead of access to 1 class a week you will get access to ALL 3 of these classes on Zoom every week!

  • Single week: £10
  • Series of 4 consecutive weeks: £35
  • Series of 8 consecutive weeks: £65
  • Concessions: £28 for 4-week series; £55 for 8-week series; £7.50 single week.

Additionally, for the 2 shorter (45 min.) Zoom classes on Thursday and Friday, you pay 1 fee but get to do both these classes if you want. Price is £5 per week for these 2 sessions (or £4.50 concession fee).

You will get all information to log in sent to your email after you've paid via BACS (bank details are in the green box on the Prices page - I can provide Belgian euro-account details for people in Europe or PayPal account details for people elsewhere).

1-2-1 Sessions

While all in-person treatments are now back on - for as long as it will be allowed if a new lockdown indeed would start this week - you can of course still also book private Skype or Zoom sessions - and we might have to go back to everything online soon - which can include: yoga classeshealth consultationsconsultations around fertility, pregnancy, birthpre- and postnatal yogaMeditation & Pranayam sessions , and coaching . As I said at the very start of this newsletter, I'll now also be offering these back in person, prioritizing bookings from people who don't have the option to do online sessions. 

As for the private yoga classes, this is also a great time to invest in doing a 5- or 10-session series (these are always discounted compared to individual sessions) on a specific topic to explore further, or something that will specifically serve you right now. A full list of topics you can choose from for these 5 or 10 session series is listed here.

Current Offers Neal's Yard Products

First of all: the End of Year range is out and can be found here on my NYR webshop (most products from the new Winter Woodland range - with an enchanting blend of invigorating organic silver fir and refreshing cypress, and beautifully grounding vetiver - sold out immediately - only the 10ml oil blend is still available - and it's divine...).



And I have a fabulous EXTRA offer on one of these Gift Sets:

I'm offering a FREE small-size Wild Rose Beauty Balm (worth £12) with this gorgeous Radiance Wild Rose Collection Gift Set (£45).
The box contains:
Wild Rose Body Lotion, 100ml
Wild Rose Body Polish, 75ml
Wild Rose Shower Oil, 100ml
Wild Rose Beauty Serum, 8ml
But seeing how is there is no WRBB itself in there - I am rectifying that for you ☺️🌹
Only on direct orders! (DM me)

I am ALSO offering the Wild Rose Body Lotion 100ml that you can find in this box, individually at just £10 (for the full size 200ml you normally pay £21.50). If you love the Wild Rose Beauty Balm or other products in this range, this new Body Lotion is a must to try, it's fantastic.

Other offers - ideal for bespoke gift creation at reduced prices. Everything can be beautifully gift-wrapped at no extra cost, please do ask though! Packaging of product sets in these beautiful cardboard boxes can be arranged for your bespoke gift sets, feel free to contact me. A lot of the offers I have been posting would work incredibly well as gift sets in these boxes, you can see an example of this in the first offer of this month.


Sensitive Skin Duo offer - 1 set available only!
* Sensitive Soothing Moisturiser. With a soothing blend of organic borage (starflower) oil and aloe vera, deeply nourishing cocoa butter, delicate edelweiss flower and liquorice root extracts to hydrate sensitive skin comfortably. £25 on its own.
* Comfort & Hydrate Micellar Cleanser. As light as water, with hyaluronic acid for a deeply hydrating cleanse and to restore balance and make your skin look and feel its absolute best. Dermatologically tested and approved, the products in this range are fragrance-free, alcohol-free and certified organic. Normally £14.
I'm offering 1 combo only of these 2 products for just £35 instead of £39!
You will also get a FREE sample of the Replenish & Balance Moisturiser from the sensitive skin range, AND you will get a jade roller (worth £15) with it for FREE too!


I have 2 Beauty Sleep combos on offer - and again these can be gift-wrapped and/or boxed:
* Combo 1:
Shower Oil 100ml (new product - NYR is only just introducing shower oils to the ranges) normally £10
Body Lotion 185ml normally £22
Foaming Bath 100ml normally £8
Total normally £40, now just £29.50!!
* Combo 2:
Shower Oil 100ml (new product - NYR is only just introducing shower oils to the ranges) normally £10
Body Lotion 100ml normally £10
Foaming Bath 100ml normally £8
Total normally £28, now just £18.50!

Howlite mala (great for sleep and insomnia) optional at £58.50 for 8mm mala.


Try-out offers on our 3 main skincare ranges!
Mini-size products of our Rose, Frankincense and Orange Flower (Neroli) range. For respectively: normal to sensitive, all skin types (incl. mature skin), or dry skin.
Each bundle will last for several weeks, giving you a great chance to try out these products before you choose your larger sizes, and they make fabulous bespoke gift sets!
They all come gift-wrapped for you, with extra samples of some other facial skincare products. And the first 4 people to respond will get a free small hand cream as well!! 👐
Package 1: our Rose 🌹 range
* Toner
* Facial oil
* Moisturiser
* Optional to include: Wild Rose Beauty Balm, the one-in-all product.
Normally £14.75 without WRBB - now just £12. With WRBB normally £26.75 - now just £23.

Package 2: our Frankincense range
* Toner
* Facial oil
* Refining cleanser
* Hydrating cream
Normally £26.50, now £23.

Package 3: our Orange 🍊 Blossom (Neroli) range
* Facial wash
* Facial oil
* Moisturiser
Normally £16.50, now just £14.

Free included samples will be a selection from the following: Beauty Sleep, WRBB, Facial Oil of another range than your chosen one, Facial Polish, White Tea Eye Gel, Frankincense Concentrate, ...

Aromatic Duo: 200ml Body Lotion (normally £21.50) + 200g Body Butter (normally £23), now just £38.75 (that's 25% off).
150g Frankincense Toning Body Cream (normally £30) + 185ml Beauty Sleep Body Lotion (normally £22), now just £46.50 (that's also 25% off).

Organic Beauty Oil (Omega 3-6-9 balance) & Super Antioxidant Boost. A truly fabulous supplement and oil, these are (the largest) part of my husband and mine's own daily regime. Normally £32 together, now just £27.50. The Antioxidant Boost is a powerful Immune-Boosting supplement, but is also the one supplement I would recommend for couples trying to fall pregnant (for both man and woman to take).

All of these offers have to be ordered through email or direct message - they are not as such available on my webshop.

If you have been thinking of joining us at Neal's Yard Organic Remedies as a consultant, now is a very auspicious time. We currently have a £60 joining offer available (until 5 November only!) on the Frankincense Business Kit (you would get all products pictured on the above picture which amounts to over £200 worth of products, plus a personal webshop ready for you to start using immediately, you can join several free online trainings if you want, and I'll also teach you how to maximise your own discounted shopping and be available for all your questions).
If this sounds like something you're interested in, feel free to get in touch for more info or if it's a no-brainer for you, then just head over to sign up straightaway on
(You can also of course join on the £95 joiner kit which has even more products, and which will stay available also after 5 November!)

Full Moon Information for Saturday 31 October
This weekend's full moon - the second one of October, making this a Blue Moon - is in Taurus, the bull. Taurus governs the large intestine (colon) meridian and also rules the neck and throat. The large intestines are responsible for elimination. Autumn and Nature are showing us what a great time it is to let go of what is old, to shed what has served its purpose and is not needed any more, and how much beauty and colour and gorgeous smells that can actually bring into your life! 

The breath, and especially yogic long deep breathing, supports the large intestines. 

In Chinese Medicine, the colon is the yang meridian of the Metal element, paired with the Lung meridian as its yin counterpart. The two are interlinked as the lungs are the seat of Prana Vayu (and represent what one nurtures oneself with: Prana) while the colon is home of Apana Vayu (representing what one releases). Issues in the colon can manifest in the lungs and vice versa. It's said that that is why people who never smoked can get lung cancer or people who lived healthy lives can get colon cancer. 

The emotions typically associated with the Large Intestine meridian are Grief & Depression.

All week in classes we've been working with the Large Intestine Meridian - but if you haven't joined us for that work, you can still use the information on the blog for your benefit!

The blog posts will from now on also contain a list of useful malas for each meridian - I've even created a special mala for this full moon: 
Where to find us on Social Media?
* My Instagram account is the easiest place to always find all current offers (much easier to find things there than on Facebook). 

* Shuniya Kundalini Yoga Facebook page: for class & activity announcements, special discounts, seva opportunities for workshops or retreats, posts on (kundalini) yoga, pregnancy, health, nutrition, ...

* Sikhs(') Nurturing Nature Facebook page, blogwebsite page: the places to be for caring for our environment and for all homemade products. On the Facebook page I share lots of posts and information on how you can reduce your carbon footprint, reduce your use of plastic, use products that are healthy for you AND Mother Earth, how you can make your own products, ... and generally try and help raise awareness on taking care of our Mother Earth and walking lightly on Her.

* Japjeet Kaur NYR Organic Independent Consultant Facebook page, Instagram japjeetkaurnyr & webshop: for information posts & special offers on any Neal's Yard Remedies Organic products.
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