Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition logo in blue and black
Stay Calm & Good News for Colorado
CCDC's Executive Director - Julie Reiskin 

Hello CCDC Community, 

Well, there is no clear winner in the Presidential race but what we do know is that our country remains bitterly divided. Let’s think about what we can do as a diverse disability community with bipartisan issues to help model unity and common goals regardless of the outcome.

We may not know until tonight or even tomorrow or later. 

However, there is GOOD NEWS for Coloradans. 

State Representative David Ortiz wins.

David Ortiz is the first-ever wheelchair user to be elected as a Colorado State Representative. This is amazing news, and now they have to finish making the Colorado Capitol 100% accessible finally!!!!!!

We now have a wheelchair user in City Council in Denver (Chris Hinds) and David Ortiz in the statehouse. Next election, let’s elect MORE disability diversity!! We currently have folks with lived experience as parents of people with IDD and both individuals and family members with chronic illness and mental health issues on both sides. We need more of our community in elected office.

Senator John Hickenlooper wins

Former Governor John Hickenlooper will be our second Senator. We have always said we expect our representatives to meet with us and hear our concerns. Most of them from both parties do so. Senator Hickenlooper has reached out already to ask about our needs, especially around health care.

Prop 118 - Paid Family Leave passes
Colorado voters accomplished a statewide paid-leave program for workers who want time off to have a baby or care for a sick loved one.

In return for the money they pay in, Colorado workers will receive at least 12 weeks of paid leave for childbirth, adoption, medical emergencies in their families, a family member’s active-duty military service, and reasons related to abuse and sexual assault.

Amendment B Repeal Property Tax Assess Rates passes
57.5% of Coloradans voted YES to repeal the Gallagher Amendment to the Colorado Constitution. Adopted in the 1980s, the outdated amendment established a formula for residential and commercial property taxes and has been preventing the state from collecting revenue that could be used to fund school districts and local governments. Repealing this amendment will allow residential and commercial property taxes to shift independently, and will add tax revenue to the general fund in 2021, which is desperately needed to fund schools especially in the wake of COVID-19. 

Try to stay calm, even though it might be hard. But it is essential that EVERY VOTE IS COUNTED. That is what makes democracy work. 

In solidarity, Your friends at CCDC 
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