Impact continues
In this newsletter you will find BE's hive, with more Luca's diary. Holiday Special Offer, Delivery times and new models, and campaign #136 completed! When design matches your determination. The Alinker is a mindset thing! Enjoy!

Two Alinker legends meet! 

Harley Salter is the Guinness World Record holder of the fastest 10K on an Alinker, and has completed the London Marathon on his Alinker!
Jack Eyers was Mr. England in 2017, the first person with a disability to ever get a title like that! Jack also modelled on the runway of the Mercedes Benz fashion show in Moscow, on an Alinker! They are both amputees, and then they meet.

Jack had a really cool surprise for Harley... he gave Harley the Alinker that Jack used on the runway in Moscow!!! Total collectors item! 

There are only 2 of these in the world, custom made, BE stripped them herself, to feature on the runways of the fashion shows in LA and Moscow. 

The very typical rainy UK weather did not stop Harley, nothing stops him! 


We're feeling super generous! 

Everybody who purchases an Alinker
before 31st December 2020 midnight, gets

FREE 6 month membership to Alinker Academy
FREE shipping 
total value around $200

The first 100 people who order,
will also get a pair of these amazingly
comfortable padded Alinker jeans.
Custom designed by THIS! *
Completely unique and designed for you.
(will retail for est. $175)

Get yours now, these 100 go fast! 

*THIS! is launching this week in partnership with Alinker.
THIS! is the new standard for wearABLE fashion. 

We're planning to end 2020 with many happy people! 

BE's hive

Luca, a week later

It might not seem like much, but in the life of Luca, Ollie his 5 year old brother and Prue his mum, these last days have been life changing in a big way. It has effected the whole family.

A usual morning over the past 8 months looked like this:
Prue would wake up and hear the boys in the bedroom. She would get up and tend to Luca who needed full time care. Ollie wanted attention, but as a single mum, it is hard to deal with 2 young boys, one severely needing care, the other a 5 year old who wants attention. They would get up, Prue washing and dressing Luca, Ollie playing on the Ipad. Then breakfast and while Prue would take a shower and get dressed she would get interrupted by Luca about 5 times, jump out of the shower, give Luca what he needed, get back in the shower and again. By the time Prue was dressed she would make some breakfast and often they would not make it out of the house because the logistics around Luca were too taxing. Got the idea?

Now, a week after Luca has the XS Alinker, this happens. Prue gets up, the boys are out of the bed and dressed, Luca on his Alinker and Prue able to have uninterrupted showers. Again, it seems not significant, but when you live it, it changes everything.

Luca, 10 years old, was wearing nappies because when he had to go to the washroom but looked at his walking frame, he would rather not go than to be in pain from using the frame. Can you imagine what that does to the confidence and self worth of a little guy with a very compromised body?

Now, Prue has a her hands free, the boys are doing stuff together, Luca gets out of bed himself and gets dressed. And this is so significant! Luca goes to the washroom by himself, backing his Alinker in front of the toilet, sitting back down, and coming back into the room. By himself!! Self worth and confidence are the most important things for a kid. He has regained his independence and feels he is in charge again of himself. Watch for more videos and stories from Luca, Ollie and his mum as we keep following his developments. 

*transcript on the video is available in the 3 dots, right bottom on YouTube.

Ollie, Luca's brother also loves the Alinker and uses it to watch their favourite cartoons. The XS Alinker has become part of the family and it is unthinkable to live with out it now Prue said. 

Timelines and delivery

Here is a link with some background on the world situation around bike manufacturing that affects us and everybody who purchases an Alinker

We are in the good company of fantastic partners in Taiwan, who continue to work with us, to secure the production slots as we move into the winter. 

Early December new containers filled with Alinkers will leave the port in Taiwan. The journey over the oceans including customs clearance and transport to the fulfillment centre takes around 3-4 weeks. So for everybody waiting to get their Small Alinkers, and anybody who purchases a Small Alinker now, you can expect them at their doorstep early January 2021. This only concerns the Small Alinkers and only in the USA, we do still have some Medium in stock in the US and in Canada we have both. Distributors around the world also have some stock left before the new shipments arrive. 

We're closer to launching our new product page, which will feature all the new products and accessories, the HS, XS and XXS, the solid rear wheel, the cargo rack and the padded Alinker jeans, custom designed by THIS! Stand by for the launch of THIS! the new standard for wearABLE clothing, in partnership with Alinker.  

With the current situation in Taiwan, the new models and accessories might not be available till mid-2021. We continue to work with our trusted partners in Taiwan and will announce all the expected availability on our new website before the end of the year. 

Thank you for your patience. 
Each week we complete a few campaigns, and launch new ones. 
Send some love to the others, show up with generosity


For larger donations of corporate sponsorships, please visit The Radical generosity Collective campaign. It is our collective campaign is the one to feed all, for larger donations. 

visit the LIVE campaigns

Useful links

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Order your Alinker
Rent-to-own your Alinker
Get help with orders and sizing

Who to contact in your country


Before contacting us directly, please review our FAQs

  • Italy: EMAIL 
  • South Africa: EMAIL 
  • Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia: EMAIL
  • United Kingdom: EMAIL
  • Australia: WEB
  • New Zealand: WEB
  • Switzerland, Germany, Austria: EMAIL
  • The Netherlands: WEB
  • Elsewhere: EMAIL 
For all international inquiries outside our distribution regions email here

"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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