I Can’t Vote Yet but I Can Make a Difference in our Democracy

Being 16 years old has its perks but unfortunately, casting my own ballot in this year’s election is not one of them. However, I’m determined to make a difference for our democracy in other ways, and one of those ways is making sure everyone’s voice can be heard. I am committed to driving friends and family to the polls and encouraging loved ones to vote. This year will be the second election year that Gen Z has been eligible to vote, and Gen Z is also the most ethnically and racially diverse generation! As the youngest voting generation, I’d like to remind Gen Z that every vote matters. This year there’s a lot of attention around safe voting practices and it’s very important to be an educated voter! Reminder: doing your research on candidates and important issues is key to casting an educated vote for this November’s election.

Happy 16th Birthday Mikaila!
We wanted to add a special Happy Birthday message for our founder, Mikaila. It seems fitting that her sweet celebration of life would be in September, National Honey Month. It’s been an incredible journey growing and learning with Me & the Bees. If it weren’t for Mikaila’s curious personality and passion for making the world a better place, we would not be here today. We celebrate you Mikaila and we look forward to growing with our fearless leader!   

-Team Me & the Bees
National Women’s Small Business Month
Did you know October is National Women’s Small Business Month? The month-long celebration has been about recognizing the incredible achievements of female entrepreneurs of all ages and the impact they’re making on our economy. I feel honored to be surrounded with so many inspiring women and Me & the Bees supports and wishes future success to every single woman-owned business out there. If you’re looking to support and buy from woman-owned businesses for the remainder of this month or at any time of the year, I’ve added a link to my very first book, Bee Fearless, Dream Like a Kid, here and of course our October Me & the Bees Lemonade BOGO 50% off special here. Thank you for all the support!  And speaking of inspiring women, I was so honored to be selected by NBC’s Know Your Value this week as one of their Women who inspire: Culturists breaking through during Covid-19.
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It's prickly pear harvesting season!
Prickly Pear Lemonade is one of our most popular Lemonade flavors. Many people ask. What is a Prickly Pear? Prickly Pear, cactus fruit, tuna (Spanish), figure de Barbary (French) – whatever name you call it - this delicious plant has much to offer and is ripe for the picking!
Late summer through early winter, September through December, is the peak season for Prickly Pears in the Northern hemisphere. The Prickly Pear fruit, actually a berry, has been used to treat diabetic issues, gastrointestinal problems, sunburn, and cold symptoms. The leaves of the Texas Prickly Pear Cactus, known as Nopalitos are a staple in many dishes. The deep red fruit, used to make jam, jelly, sorbet, wine, and margaritas, and of course Me & the Bees Lemonade.
Wondering where this plant can be found? It grows in the western areas of the United States as well as South America, Africa, Australia, and the Mediterranean. Just be mindful of those prickly thorns when you are harvesting yours!
Thank you for all your tweets, posts, chats, pins, and shares. Let's stay connected - @MikailasBees
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