October 2020, Courage to Act Newsletter

Welcome to the ninth Courage to Act newsletter! Each month, we will share project updates and highlight some of the incredible work happening across Canada to address and prevent gender-based violence on campus. Thank you for joining the conversation!
Cultivating Change

Welcome to the October edition of the Courage to Act newsletter! This month, we are highlighting a number of exciting resources, learning opportunities and conversations on GBV awareness and support. In this edition you’ll find a list of workplace sexual harassment laws by province, a follow up to our webinar on engaging men to address GBV on campus, guiding questions for making consent education trauma-informed, and a focus on self-care. 

As we move into November, we want to acknowledge the important work you and your colleagues are doing to address and prevent GBV at PSIs. Please remember to take care as the days get shorter and we focus on preparing for Woman Abuse Prevention Month in Ontario, Trans Day of Remembrance and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Thank you for the important work you do.

With Care,

Farrah Khan & CJ Rowe
Co-Directors, Courage to Act

Innovation Hub
PSI Call to Action: Consent education programming is perhaps the most popular way to address and prevent gender-based violence on post-secondary campuses. While many of these initiatives are relatively new, there are opportunities to reflect on who these initiatives reach and which issues around consent are prioritized. To have greatest impact, as Jessica Wright explains, we must build trauma-informed consent education. Here are 10 guiding questions to support you and your PSI in exploring this further. 
Resource Guide: While most efforts to address and prevent gender-based violence at PSIs are focused on students, we must also be attentive to employee safety. All employees - unionized workers, student staff, management, and faculty - deserve to have safe workplaces, free from violence and where they can access support if they experience harm. A key aspect of support includes knowing your rights so we've compiled a helpful list of labour laws by province and territory. Click here to read more! 
PSI Call to Action: Curious about promising practices and current gaps in anti-violence work with men on campus? Our latest resource highlights key findings from our October webinar with Dr. Emily Colpitts and Dr. Jesmen Mendoza. We identify key challenges, considerations and future directions for this work and provide tips for policy makers, students, researchers, PSI administrators, and GBV frontline workers eager to do this work in an impactful way. Read more here!
Resource Guide: To sustain ourselves and our movements, remain open to possibilities, cultivate our creativity and have the greatest impact, we need to invest in a vital resource: ourselves. Self-care is both a radical practice, and a necessary part of creating lasting social change. We hope this list inspires you to create and commit to some individual and collective self-care practices for the rest of the year. Yes, there's lots happening in the world and lots to do, but you matter too! 

Courage to Act: Project Highlights

Courage, Knowledge, Action: A Webinar Series to Address GBV on Campus
Our monthly webinar series features leading experts from across Canada to share promising practices on addressing and preventing gender-based violence on campus. Supported by the Canadian Association of College and University Student Service (CACUSS), these webinars are also a recognized learning opportunity; attendance at ten or more live webinars will count towards an online certificate. 


Les relations saines et égalitaires
Date et heure : Mercredi le 4 novembre 2020 | 13h00 à 14h00 (HNE)
Présenté par : Isabelle Arcoite

Comprendre et contrer les multiples formes de violence à caractère sexuel vécues dans un contexte d'enseignement supérieur
Date et heure : Jeudi le 19 novembre 2020 | 13h00 à 14h00 (HNE)
Présenté par : Sandrine Ricci 

Why create Black survivor spaces on campus?
Date & Time: Friday November 20th, 2020 | 1:00-2:00 PM (EST)
Presented by: Casandra Fullwood and Vatineh Magaji
Register Now
To watch recordings of past webinars, please click here.
Courage to Act's National Skillshare Series (January 2021 - August 2021) will feature the ground-breaking work happening across Canada to address gender-based violence on campus. We will showcase the 15 tools and toolkits being developed by our 150+ project partners. These skillshare sessions are also a recognized learning opportunity; attendance at 10+ skillshare sessions or Courage to Act webinars will count toward a certificate. For more information about the National Skillshare Series, and to register, click here!  
Courageous Action #9:
Create a long-term gender equity strategic plan for the PSI (Courage to Act Report, pg. 21).

Community Spotlight

An Inclusive & Intersectional Lens

Creative Interventions & Community-Care 

Publishing Opportunity
Working on an innovative program or policy intervention at your PSI? Got a promising practice to share, or an interesting take on how to best address and prevent gender-based violence on campus? We would love to hear from you. Consider writing for our blog! Please contact Anoodth Naushan, Project Manager at for more information.

The Courage to Act project is made possible through support and funding from the Department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE), Federal Government of Canada 

Copyright © 2020 Possibility Seeds, All rights reserved

Our mailing address is: Possibility Seeds, PO Box 73033, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2W5

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