It seems that the game of baseball is ever-changing, ever-evolving. Players evolve, bats and baseballs change, strategies differ from what many would consider traditional. Is this all bad? No. Is the game the way we knew it when we fell in love with it gone? Absolutely not. I strongly believe there is a way to bridge the gap between new school, data-driven baseball and old school, traditional “feel” baseball. 

If you would like to keep pace with the latest methods of developing players without being overwhelmed by the rapid growth of new information out there, then you will want to get a copy of Old School vs. New School: The Application of Data and Technology Into Baseball.


This book is filled with case studies and examples of how we have merged the latest research and technologies with insights from the old school “feel” generation of baseball—all of this in an effort to create amazing transformations in players of all ages and at all levels.

To learn more and grab your copy today, visit:

All the best,

Eugene Bleeker
Author, Old School vs. New School: The Application of Data and Technology into Baseball 108 Performance
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