Dear wolf supporters:
Today the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized a federal rule that removes Endangered Species Act protections for all gray wolves in the lower 48 states, including in Minnesota. In the past, whenever wolves lost federal protections, hunting and trapping began and wolf persecution and poaching started immediately.
Howling For Wolves issued a press statement today, saying: “This political decision to remove federal Endangered Species Act protections for the wolf is against public sentiment, sound science, and will destroy our nation’s endangered species. This rule puts the wolf on the path to extinction. Instead of stripping their protections, we should put more effort into coexistence with wolves. We need a nonlethal wolf plan and continued funding for prevention methods for farmers and ranchers to ensure an intact and healthy wolf population, because the wolf is vital for our ecology and the legacy of future Minnesotans.” The full press release can be found here on our website.
The good news: Minnesota Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan have restated their position against wolf trophy hunting and trapping in Minnesota, building on the progress by the state legislature in 2019 when the Minnesota House passed a bill banning wolf hunting.
The federal rule to delist wolves was proposed last year and over 1.8 million comments were submitted opposing delisting. Additionally, 86 members of Congress (in both the House and Senate), 100 scientists, 230 businesses, and 367 veterinary professionals submitted letters opposing the wolf delisting plan. Even the scientific peer reviews commissioned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service itself, found that the agency’s proposal contained numerous errors and came to predetermined conclusions, lacking scientific support. Despite this public and scientific outcry, the rule issued today removes all federal protections from gray wolves.
What’s next?
Many environmental groups have pledged to fight the decision in court, which has been successful in the past to keep the wolf on the Endangered Species List. This final rule will take effect in 60 days.
Howling For Wolves (with your help) will continue to persuade the MN DNR and MN State Legislature to ban wolf hunting in MN. We will continue to engage with the MN DNR Wolf Advisory Committee (preparing a new 2020 Wolf Plan) and urge them to:
  • Implement nonlethal wolf policies to protect wolves and support nonlethal conflict prevention methods for farmers’ livestock.
  • End the cruel and indiscriminate methods of baiting, trapping, and snaring.
  • Remove the state statutes for wolf trophy hunting in Minnesota.
We will stay in touch during this important time. Thank you for all your support and advocacy for the wolf. It makes a difference.
Please donate through our website or through our GiveMN page here.  Your funds make all of this happen.
   -Maureen Hackett, MD, President and Founder, Howling For Wolves
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