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"Church at Home"...

Dear all,

This Sunday morning we'll be back on the sofa, ready to introduce and lead another edition of "Church at Home". Please do log on to YouTube to watch. The service will begin at 10.30am, but the video will stream from 10.15am. This gives us a quarter of an hour for a rolling slideshow of church notices(!), AND fifteen minutes during which we will be live on Zoom in our church "Zoom Room". So please do join us for a virtual pre-service drink and prayer, any time from 10.15am this Sunday Morning.

This week we're giving out some details about a plan to have the church OPEN during this coming week, from Mon 2nd - Fri 6th Oct between 10am and 4pm.

We'll also be explaining that NEXT SUNDAY (the 8th Nov) we'll be streaming a morning service as usual, but also a short afternoon Bereavement Service of Remembrance and Hope, which I will have pre-recorded down at the church. This will go live next Sunday at 4pm but, as ever, you can watch it anytime during the following week on "catchup".

Hope to see you Sunday from 10.15am for a pre-service cup of tea/coffee over Zoom. The link to our "Zoom Room" is and the direct link to Sunday's YouTube service is


Lots of us have begun connecting weekly via Zoom - either on a Monday afternoon or a Tuesday evening - for our so-called "bookclub". These group times aren't really about the book - they're about us connecting, having some Christian conversation and fellowship, and briefly praying together too. We limit the time to just 40-minutes, and we make sure that we have some fun and also some meaningful chat and a chance to pray together. Please please do join us if you can. It's the same link as in the notice above - and it's also on our website.

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YouTube channel YouTube channel
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