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TCCE is delighted to announce a National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange (NCACE)

NCACE Overview 

We are delighted to announce our National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange, a new four year initiative funded by Research England. 

NCACE is being led by TCCE with a number of regional hub partners, all strongly networked with the arts and cultural sectors across the country, including: Bath Spa University, Birmingham City University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Northumbria University.

The key purpose of NCACE will be to facilitate and support capacity for Knowledge Exchange between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sector across the country with a particular focus on evidencing and showcasing the social, cultural, environmental, as well as the economic, impacts of such activities. 

The centre will focus on realising and communicating the potential of Knowledge Exchange, in its widest sense, with the arts and culture sector, and on making a significant contribution to our understanding of the scope and nature of these important activities, models and the ways in which they develop and evolve around the country.

Our activities will be open for participation to all HEIs in the country and to those working in the arts and cultural sector. They will largely be in the following areas:

  1. Brokerage, Collaboration support and Networking
  2. Skills and capacity development
  3. Evidence building and Impact Development
  4. Showcasing and Communications

All NCACE’s work will be underpinned by a keen attention to supporting inclusivity, difference and diversity. 

Getting Involved
Our website will be live January 2021 and NCACE’s launch event will take place in early February. Details of that event and other activities will be released both through the TCCE monthly e-newsletter and a separate monthly NCACE Update Bulletin of which this is the first. And we’ll be making announcements as we go along on Twitter @CultureImpacts. Our LinkedIn and other social media platforms will be live by December. For general enquiries, do get in touch with Noshin Sultan on

NCACE Recruitment
We are currently advertising for a Senior Manager: Research, Evidence and Policy to join our team. Deadline for applications: 30 November. Interview date: 9 December


NCACE Activities

Brokerage, Collaboration support and Networking
NCACE will work to create positive ecologies and environments in which to foster excellent Knowledge Exchange and collaboration between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sector and to support ambition around the wider potential and impacts for such work.

Skills and Capacity Development
NCACE aims to provide support and development opportunities to: Knowledge Exchange Professionals, academics with a keen interest in developing social impacts and arts/culture sector workers who wish to develop partnerships with universities.

Evidencing and Impact Development
NCACE will establish a ‘what works style’ Evidence Bank over the four years of the project, addressing the need for more evidence and analysis specifically about the extent, nature, drivers and impacts of KE and wider relationships between Higher Education and the arts/cultural sectors. 

Showcasing and Communication
NCACE aims to showcase models of good practice in Knowledge Exchange with the arts and cultural sectors across the country both through our Evidence Bank and other online resources as well as via our blogs. We are planning to publish two publications over the life of the project as well as bi-annual festivals in 2022 and 2024.

Evaluation will commence right at the start of the programme and run throughout its duration. It will be led by our partners at Manchester Metropolitan University and its purpose will be to ensure ongoing dialogue and positive iterations across each area of work. 

Evelyn Wilson and Suzie Leighton,
NCACE Co-Directors

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