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VIsion Statement:

"Engaging hands and minds through the  Environment, Agriculture  and Technology. "


Building Hours

Monday - Thursday 9AM - 3PM
Official D.A.T.E. YouTube Channel

I want  to first say congratulations and job well done to our new President Elect, Joe Biden, and Vice President Elect, Kamala Harris, who is the very first woman, and woman of color to have been elected to this position. It is without a doubt that we take pride in our women of color, who have been the backbone and the support; and sometimes, the lead of our families. It is also an honor to know that Vice President  Elect, Kamala Harris, has set and accomplished  many milestones in her career as a graduate of a HBCU,  Howard University, and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Vice President Elect, Kamala Harris, was the first African American woman to represent San Francisco as their District Attorney and the first African American and Asian  American to represent California as their State Attorney. She is also the  second black woman and the first Asian American to serve as a senator. We applaud you and your efforts for giving our girls and women a vision, model, and a road map from which to work from  and emulate.

To my D.A.T. E. young ladies and scholars, just know it all started with a foundation of education and believing in yourself. I challenge you all to continue to strive for success and to keep education at the  forefront of your mission and goals, achieving and excelling at every moment. We are entrusting you to be the next leaders of today and tomorrow.

Dr. Maury L. Wills, C.E.O.
Twitter: @Dr.Willsdate
Celebrating 16 Years of "Learning with Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor"

Superintendent Mrs. Watson-Harris brings greetings. Welcome to Black Lives Matter at DeKalb Schools Action Week 2020!

Virtual Learning Code Conduct


All D. A. T. E., students receiving digital curriculum and direct instruction online are subject to any applicable District policies and this Student Virtual Learning Code of Conduct.

Students are responsible for proper behavior during online learning.

Students are expected to take integrity and use authenticity of their own work.

It is illegal to create harmful computer viruses.

Remote Learning correspondences are public under school’s records and subject to disclosure.

Internet Policy

Data that is composed, transmitted, accessed, or received via the Internet must not contain content that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or disruptive to any other person. Examples of unacceptable content may include, but are not limited to, sexual comments or images, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other comments or images that could reasonably offend someone on the basis of race, age, sex, religious or political beliefs, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Disciplinary Action

Progressive discipline will continue to be utilized to create the expectation that the degree of discipline imposed will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior. Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including Districts policies and guidelines.




 Please ensure that your scholar completes assignments on time and with fidelity.  The 13.5 week grade posting window opens on Monday, November 16.  It is imperative that students and parents review grades and assignments in Infinite Campus.  If you have questions regarding missing or low grades, please contact the teacher so that students finish the semester with an accurate reflection of their performance in all classes.

Teachers have been engaged in the cycle of learning that includes planning, assessing and the adjustment of instruction to meet the needs of students.  We have completed the MAP assessment and have the opportunity to to determine the extent to which students need instructional support through remediation and acceleration of the content.  Teachers will continue to differentiate the daily instruction to ensure that students' instructional needs are met.  

Congratulations, parents and students on a relatively smooth transition to the full day model of virtual teaching and learning! These uncertain times show that you are extremely resilient and value the quality of education offered at DeKalb Agriculture, Technology and Environment Charter Schools, Inc.  



Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

Dr. K. Taylor,

Chief Academic Officer

Hello Family,

I certainly hope all is well with you and your family. I certainly miss the time that I spend with your scholars each day just talking about their lives and school. It is my hope that we will return to school soon and we will be able to hug and wish each other warm wishes.

As you know, we have returned to classes full time. Our middle schedule has been built to allow the teachers maximum time to instruct your scholars and maximum time for students to get rest from screen time. Please have your scholar follow this schedule daily.

Specials are also in integral part of your scholars schedule, so make sure they log in and complete assignments during their scheduled times. We all are struggling with being out of school for this prolonged period of time, but we must keep up with work and standards in order to be successful. Thanks for all you do to make D. A. T. E. successful.

Dr. E. Wilson
Middle School Principal

Welcome November!!


November brings fall, turkey, family, and marks the beginning of the holiday season. It is quite easy to slip into “holiday” mode, but we must keep pushing! As we enter this month, teachers will begin to expect more from students.  The transition to a full day of school will allow teachers and students to engage themselves more in teaching and learning. In hopes, for students to get a learning experience that feels very similar to school. Our new schedule will also allow the hybrid and virtual student to have the same schedule once schools open again. At this point, the students should know rituals and routines and be better prepared for their classes.  Students should also begin to identify how they learn best and begin to develop better study habits. As a parent, you should begin noticing strengths and weaknesses in your child’s skills and study habits. As always, you want to build on those strengths and work with those weaknesses. Through town-hall meetings last week, I learned from parents that many of you are doing well with virtual learning and truly enjoy working with your scholars. I also learned that some need tips or strategies to help them through their day. With this in mind, I would like to ask our D. A. T. E. parents to share their tips and strategies with the D. A. T. E. community. If you are willing to share the positives of your virtual learning experience please contact me at to learn how we will create a tool to help all parents be successful.

D. A. T. E.'s Motto: "Learning with Relationships,  Relevance, and Rigor."


Ms. Erica Thomas,
Elementary Principal

Addressing difficult topics in the household.

Finding time to address difficult topics can be overwhelming, especially during this turbulent time of Covid-19.

Below are some helpful tips: 

• Use teachable moments in a TV show or movie to share your child’s interest and discuss moments that relate to relationships and/or race, religion, personal identity. You can ask questions like, “Have you ever worried about your  friend?” “What do you think of how your friends treat others?” “What could you do to help your friend not doing well?” 

 • Hearing that your child is experiencing any detachment can be difficult. Staying calm, thanking them for telling you, and listening will help your child feel safe in discussing it with you and not feel embarrassed or worried.

 • Allow your child the opportunity to decide how they’d like to handle the situation, within reason and depending on the outcomes. This allows them autonomy and feeling like they have some control over the situation. 

• Sometimes children aren’t comfortable talking to their parents/guardians about a sensitive topic or they could benefit from additional support.  You can offer to connect them with a teacher, school counselor, or another trusted adult.

 • See for parents and additional resources related to topics in school and online.

Dr. H. McCladdie,

Director of Student Services

To all of Our Veterans, we at D. A. T. E. salute you and say THANK YOU for your Service.

For the Scholars that attended D. A. T. E. and are now serving the Country, THANK YOU for stepping up.
A generous donation from a Parent.
Items included Hand Sanitizers, Alcohol Wipes, Rubber Bands, Face Masks, Binders




Kamal Devi Harris was born October 10, 1964 to a Jamaican-born Stanford University professor and an India-born mother, who was a cancer researcher. No stranger to hard work, Kamala was a model student and overachiever. Prior to earning her law degree from Hastings College of Law, she attended Howard University, an HBCU, where she also pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority.

Harris was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2016 as a Democrat from California, where she had served as the first woman to serve as Attorney General for California. Her skills as a prosecutor and Attorney General were immediately put to use as she served on the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Judiciary Committee. The world witnessed her relentless prosecutorial style as she delivered a blistering questioning of US Attorney General William Barr during Senate hearings.

After her own unsuccessful bid for the presidency, Kamala dropped out of the race in December 2019. Joe Biden, long-time Senator from Delaware but best known as vice president to Barack Obama, subsequently became the Democratic nominee for president and chose Kamala as his running mate.

On November 3rd, 2020, America showed up and voted in numbers higher than any election in recent history. After days of speculation, the Joe Biden / Kamala Harris ticket was deemed victorious.

When she takes the oath of office on Jan 20, 2021, Kamala Harris will not only be the first woman to serve as vice-president, she will also be the first South Asian and the first woman of African descent to serve in that role as well. Little girls all over the United States can find it easier to smile with her as a role model, for they will know that anything is possible if they work hard enough and believe.

First Warrior: Honoring Native American Veterans
The First Americans
History of the Indigenous People of America
Native American Heritage Month is November
Missing Chapter
S. T. E. A. M. TEAM
D. A. T. E. Library Learning Commons website
BeInternetAwesome with Google
If you need to get in touch with your teachers, please use the appropriate grade level email:

Support is also offered by the School's Technology Department based on the technological need:
Parents' Guide to Google Classroom
Infinite Campus Instructions

Dear D.A.T.E. Parents,

 It is so important that all parents be connected to all the tools available to assist in the success of our students. Infinite Campus is one of those wonderful tools available to us. Connection to Infinite Campus allows you, the parent, to ensure the completion of all assigned tasks for your scholars' test scores, attendance in scheduled classes, and so much more.  Please email Ms. Armstrong at: from your personal email to request your Activation Code needed to create a Parent Portal Infinite Campus Account.
Please do not use your scholars email address to request the activation code. The email assigned to your scholar is for student communication with their instructors.


Hey guys, it’s Andy here, your new member to the D.A.T.E family!

It’s kind of different because you guys(students) are not here! So far I love D.A.T.E and my new friends, Debbi, Azell, and the Chicken crew!

I am still adjusting to my new home but it’s going quicker than I thought. I can not wait to feel the love from all of the D.A.T.E family members that I have not met yet! Okay I'm headed to eat some hay, See you guys soon!

Love your friend,

Andy The Bull 

Andy the Bull with Debbie & Azell

Mrs. Shillingford

S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Coordinator

Environmental Specialist

Positive Mental Attitude 

Times are different, times are challenging, times are frustrating. A challenge in which I invite you to participate, is that of having a positive mental attitude. One thing to note, it is okay if you cannot find gratitude in your situation. All experiences with life are different. For months your normal has been flipped, dipped and tripped up. Personally, I find myself sometimes analyzing, comparing and contrasting situations that would normally just roll off my back. When I notice this happening, I stop and try to find something to be grateful for and express gratitude. There is no rule book that says we have to get to that place of positive mental attitude. However, there are some ways to get there.

  1. Do not minimize your own suffering

Have you been in a conversation with someone and expressed how you were feeling, something you were going through; only to be told “be happy you have...”? Toxic positivity does not allow you to express your sorrows. It forces you to find a “happy point” in something that truly is not happy for you. Do not minimize your suffering because someone else has a worse experience. Yes, having your basic human needs met is a wonderful thing, but it is okay to be experiencing life outside of your comfort zone and to be sad about what you are going through. It is not gratitude if someone is telling you what to be grateful for in your life. Nor is it a positive mental attitude to have someone telling you how to feel. Achieve when you are able, not when you are commanded. 

  1. Just Let it Happen

Try not to beat yourself for not feeling positive all the time. Give yourself grace to process how you are feeling. Unconditional self-acceptance is the key to discovering gratitude in your personal situation. Nobody is at their best right now. The children, the parents, the staff, the teachers. Nobody. We are all working to find our best, and stay there when we are able. You will come across situations of which you are able to have genuine gratitude. When it happens, it will happen. 

  1. Simplicity is Amazing

You do not have to find the most fantabulous (fantastic and fabulous) situation to express gratitude in your life. For example, if I make a list of (5) things that I am personally grateful for on a daily basis it may be as simple as: coffee, flavored creamer, my family, a new candle, RHOP, and my friends. It is okay if I don’t include my basic needs. My list looks different these days. It is simple and simple is amazing. Make a list that makes you smile, and your PMA will rise. 

  1. More than “Happy”

Being happy is not just being grateful. There’s love, hope, joy, creativity, pride and so many other emotions that go with gratitude. When you try and maintain a positive mental attitude your overall thought process tends to stay lighter (Frederickson, Barbara, 2020). Practicing gratitude is a beneficial option to elevating yourself and your overall mood. 

Ultimately, when you have practice using your positive emotions you will find yourself in a lighter and more positive mood. This is not to say that you should not be upset or have negative emotions from time to time. It happens, and it is okay. Our goal is to try and maintain an elevated mood, but that does not mean you have to be “happy all the time”. If you are struggling with finding any sense of positivity please reach out to a professional to help you find your “Happy” again. 

Mrs. Angel Haye
School Counselor

D. A. T. E. PTO News


Thank You,
Nicole Lundie
PTO President

Teachers & Staples Rewards
Official D.A.T.E. YouTube Channel
View the Calendar!
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