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Dear BMC,
The recent BMC student strike as created a generative space, full of opportunity for each of us to go deeper together as we reimagine, dismantle, and create a more equitable community.  As we move forward to do this work, thoughts 
about healing and action have been top of mind.  A question that keeps continues to emerge is, how do we intentionally make room to process traumatic and painful experiences, while also cultivating resilience and joy?  I believe one way to do this is through practice.  Practicing showing up for ourselves to curate a deep sense of belonging and care within our bodies and for each other through collective care actions.  Practice requires a willingness to risk the vulnerability of failure, to imagine growth, and courage to create change-internally and externally. 

Keep reading, there are some great suggestions for practice included throughout the Health & Wellness Center newsletter. 

Be well,
Reggie Jones, Associate Dean of Health & Wellness


In This Issue:


  • Headed out-of-state and not sure how to access Mental Health services? Counseling Services offers free Case Management appointments to help all BMC students navigate insurance and access community providers. 
Schedule a Case Management Appt Now
  • Free Mental Health Support is available domestically and internationally through the MySSP app.
Newest Groups & Workshops Added
  • Come As You Are: A Drug & Alcohol Support Group 
    • Fridays, 5-7 p.m.  
    • Facilitated by Bonner, LSW (they/them) and Jonathan Colvson (he/him)  

This confidential group welcomes those who are interested in support around their relationship with alcohol and/or other substances. The group’s objective is to provide a safe, judgment-free space to discuss the impact of substances on relationships, academics, or any other area of health and wellness. The group philosophy is harm/risk-reduction; we encourage students to “come as you are.” There is no expectation of abstinence or sobriety. Interested students should contact or to schedule a brief conversation prior to the first meeting. 

  • Befriending your Nervous System: A Polyvagal Theory Workshop 
    • Wednesdays, 4:30 - 6 p.m. 
    • Facilitated by Katherine Evering-Rowe, LSW (she/her) 

Ever feel surprised by a sudden shift in your energy level, sense of safety, or mood? Want to learn more about why this might be happening? Want to figure out how to tailor your self-care strategies to your actual needs? Come learn about Polyvagal Theory, a framework that can help us: better understand why we act the ways we do, help us better communicate our needs, skillfully support ourselves through life’s challenges, and more!  

In this workshop we’ll: 

  • Learn about Polyvagal Theory  
  • Spend time getting to know our individual nervous systems  
  • Make specific plans for how to care for ourselves in different nervous system states  

Workshop will be offered two more times on 12/2 and 12/9. To join, email with your preferred date. 

  • Additional groups/workshops coming in December on "Being Home" and "Structuring Time"
View More Counseling Groups & Workshops

The BMC Strike - Mental Health and Social Justice 

Now that the strike is over, it may be time to explore the feelings that arise in the wake of collective action. Studies on the psychological impact of engaging in strikes suggest strikers report higher levels of anxiety, irritation, and low mood.   

However, active participation in organizing may decrease these negative psychological effects. Some key benefits of organizing:  

  • Maintaining regular activity 

  • Daily structure 

  • Social contact with others 

  • Sense of belonging, being part of a collective 

Long-term participation in social justice can also result in activism fatigue and social justice burnout. In this NPR article, activists discuss the importance of taking breaks from the news, staying involved with loved ones, and making self-care a part of the work. “You can’t do this work if you’re running on empty.” 

Rise Up! Activism Playlist  

Follow Us on Spotify: BMCHere2Listen 

Healing in Action: A Toolkit for Black Lives Matter Healing Justice & Direct Action   

  • “As a network, we have alignment on the necessity of direct action. As a whole, however, we are less clear on the relevance and implementation of healing justice... But healing justice is the work; taking care of ourselves and each other is how we live more fully in our principles and values.”  

Protesting: Safety Resources   

Disclaimer: Like all resources we share, the content provided here is intended for informational purposes only. The statements, remedies, and techniques described below are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease or substitute medical care by a licensed health care practitioner.  

CDC Fact Sheet: Riot Control Agents (tear gas, pepper spray, etc.)  

Amnesty International: Safety During Protest  

Herbal First Aid Aftercare for All Who Have Experienced Police Violence:  Plant Medicines for Resilience! 

11 Black Queer and Trans Women Discuss Self-Care by L.G. Parker  

I practice self-love by creating with the intent to be present and non-judgmental. I create with the intent to honor Black [queer] ancestors and honor my own creativity. To honor my creativity, I let myself create whatever it is I may want to in the moment, whether that’s a beat from a sampled record, painting, collaging or writing. I also move and breathe. I love to walk and practice yoga. Self-care is also about community. I enjoy being in community celebrating life, talking shit [or just being] with other Black queer people. - Blair Ebony Smith, student in Syracuse (pictured above) 


Dear Athena, 
So much has happened this semester and I don’t know what to do when I get home. How do I talk to my family about the strike, politics, the election, COVID, and schoolwork, especially when their views on it may be completely different from mine? I don't know if I can handle more conflict this semester!
Sincerely, Anxious and Exhausted 

Dear Anxious and Exhausted,  

It has indeed been a challenging semester! Of course you are nervous about sharing any of this with family and friends at home. Hearing others' perspectives on our challenging experiences is never easy. Even when our family and community's opinions are different from our own we can still care for them and care immensely what they have to say. It can feel like there's no way to have these difficult conversations without either hurting someone else or being hurt ourselves. 

First, it's important to be gentle and give yourself some credit for all you have been through: When you stepped onto campus in the early fall, you likely could not have predicted all that you would engage with this semester. You have socially distanced and done your part to curb the spread of Covid-19, you have voted in a historic presidential election or supported others who voted, you have taken part in advocating for change on campus, striking and supporting your peers, taking part in teach-ins, participating in collective activism or any combination of these. Most importantly, you did what you needed to do for yourself to move through a semester of unprecedented adversities. No matter the opinions and perspectives of others, you can hold your head high and know that you have shown incredible strength and resilience! 

Whatever discussions we are planning (or not planning, "no" is a complete sentence!) to have over the break, it's helpful to remain close to social support and stay connected to our shared values (here's a handy list of personal, family, and community values), to manage expectations, set clear boundaries, and be clear with ourselves about what we want and/or need from the conversation. Author and psychologist Beverly Tatum has some useful suggestions in this article from the New York Times about talking to relatives across the political divide. One of her most important suggestions: Take a break! Self-care will not only make for more impactful conversations (our brains need rest, just like our bodies!), but it helps us recharge so that we can continue to take action for ourselves and communities we care about.  


Perspective I 

Dear Anxious & Exhausted,

It might be time to take a nap, brew some herbal tea, and get cozy under your favorite blanket. If you aren't already, I suggest you follow @thenapministry for reminders on how rest is a form of resistance and liberation. Prioritizing self-care will help you recharge and assist you in navigating potential conflict now and in the long run. Since we can all benefit from additional suggestions on how to set boundaries and compartmentalize stress, we've compiled considerations and tips for "Going and Being Back Home" below. 

Sending restful vibes,
Perspective II 

Going & Being Back Home - Considerations & Tips 

  • Got Boundaries?
Being back home and/or around family may be exciting, but it may also involve falling back into stressful dynamics. Regardless of what you might be anticipating, the following two resources may be helpful.   
  • Health Benefits of a “Staycation” 

Unplugging and Recharging—at home.

This late fall and winter, many of us will be limited in our ability to gather with friends, maybe travel, and just simply to take a break as we have in the past. This leads us to the topic of “Staycations”. 

The term “Staycation” was coined to mean any vacation that happens in or close to home, so one literally stays put while trying to take a break from the normal routine of life. For obvious reasons, the Covid pandemic has made many people reevaluate the benefit of a staycation. 

Some staycations involve more elaborate planning than others, which can include day trips to local restaurants, museums, or theater trips. But in covid, even these day excursions can be fraught with challenges. Here are some suggestions for fun staycation ideas that you can do together with family or alone: 

  1. Choose a staycation theme: cooking, organizing, crafting, reading, TBT, change the scenery  
  2. Pick a few activities to go with the theme. Example: if cooking is the theme, pick a recipe you’d like to try. Call or facetime a family or friend who may be interested in helping you, “share” a meal that includes the dish of choice. Another example is a TBT theme in which you cull through old movies, pictures, books, and share the memories with family or friends or just tuck them away in a special new memory book. Finally, something as simple as changing the scenery in your house or room may feel like a staycation. This can be changing the bedsheets, adding new throw pillows, lighting a candle you were “saving”, and picking flowers for the bedside table. Then really indulge and have breakfast (or dinner) in bed!  
  3. Staycations do not have to be about a physical change of scenery to be meaningful and rejuvenating. They are about a change in routine, which is an important self-care tip in these trying times.  
  • Try out a Poem-A-Day! 

    Did you know that a poem a day can keep the doctor away? Not that we want to keep our doctors or other healthcare providers away anymore, but the idea is to try to do something small each day that can help foster a sense of wellbeing!  

    Poems, with their deeply personal and often intimate connection to our personal feelings, have a way of doing just that. Try writing or reading a poem a day and see if it doesn’t give you a sense of connection to a thought or a feeling that may have been weighing on you.

    Check out this interesting article about poetry and the power of healing. 

    There is even a journal of poetry therapy that is an important resource for many healthcare providers who believe that sometimes, the best medicine is words… 

    Some staff favorites:
    -Alice Walker, A Poem Traveled Down my Arm
    -Ted Kooser, Flying at Night

  • How To Return To Your Community Safely 

Returning to your community during these uncertain times could undoubtedly stir-up additional stresses and concerns about your own safety  and the safety of your loved ones. Here are several tips from The Washington Post to ponder as your plan your return.  

  • Take the risk seriously 

  • Self-quarantine upon your return and get tested as is possible for you 

  • Assess your travel options and choose the option that limits your exposure  

  • Wear your mask for your loved ones’ safety as well as your own! 

  • Be flexible about your plans 

  • Pause to reflect on your decision and about the impact it may have on your community

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