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Morning Duaa

*Month of November

Gratitude in Islam

*Theme of the Month

"وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوۡزِعۡنِىٓ أَنۡ أَشۡكُرَ نِعۡمَتَكَ ٱلَّتِىٓ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَىَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَٲلِدَىَّ وَأَنۡ أَعۡمَلَ صَـٰلِحً۬ا تَرۡضَٮٰهُ وَأَدۡخِلۡنِى بِرَحۡمَتِكَ فِى عِبَادِكَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ"

“My Lord! Inspire me to ˹always˺ be thankful for Your favors which You have blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please you. Admit me, by Your mercy, into ˹the company of˺ Your righteous servants.”

ورد في رواية الترمذي عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:
«مَنْ لمْ يشْكُر النَّاسَ لَمْ يشْكُر الله»

"Whoever is not grateful to the people he is not grateful to Allah"

ARS Staff Spotlight


*Meet the ARS Staff!

Sister Ashiya Shaikh has a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Towson University. She has over ten years of experience teaching Kindergarten and has been a teacher at Al-Rahmah School in the past. Sister Ashiya returned to ARS in 2015.

ARS Morning Assembly


*Submit your answer to be featured on the Al-Rahmah School Website.

Gratitude Challenge

Text or email someone and tell them why you are grateful to them.

When Jacob wore the coat he found out that happiness is in being grateful for the blessings he has. 

When you look at this picture. What do you see the family doing and why?

Explain in your response.

  • Amani: “Mash'allah I see them making du'aa as a proper family and there seating in-front of food so my observation kinda tells me ..maybe just maybe there about to break there fast or there eating in a pretty place that what happens to look like a masjid ... when I see the family's doing nice things together it makes me soo happy)”
  • Raniya: “I see the family making du'aa and being grateful for their blessings from Allah (SWT).”
  • Aaliya: “ I see family thanking for the food or making dua. They are eating together. The food looks hot and their eyes are closed, so before they eat they are thanking Allah for what is on the table.”
Submit Your Answer Now
Join the Morning Assembly with Sr. Baderah

Post Election: Tools for Parents

By: Sr. Farah Shaikh, LCSW-C

Assalamualaikum Parents and Caregivers, 

As we deal with the post-election era, we still are faced with many of the same challenges, fears, and concerns we began this year with. It is normal to have a variety of emotions ranging from relief to worry. Across the world, humans are living through a period of extraordinary change  Remind yourself that challenging events have taken place in history and this is no different. The world is going through a global discomfort that will need some getting used to.  It won't be easy, but with the help of Allah (SWT) and one another, it's not impossible.

Here are 10 tips to managing and detoxing from post-election stress for you and your family:
  1. Talk about it- The first step in handling feelings is allowing yourself to acknowledge, talk about, and validate them. Hold space for what you and your family feel. Model for your children appropriate ways to discuss your feelings, which in doing so, gives your child permission to articulate their own.
  2. Take stock of your habits -This year has been rife with uncertainties, and as a result, many people have developed habits that don’t support overall health. Things like stress eating, getting inadequate sleep or exercise, for example, are all things to evaluate and reset.
  3. Remind ourselves who is in control- Remember, we are doing everything for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). He is in full control and is the best of planners. We are being tested to see how we will react. We must hold fast to our principles and values, and continue the work that we need to be doing to improve our nation.  As parents, we should be the role model of strength in identity and faith.
  4. Focus on the positive before bringing up the negative.- Participate in discussion but reframe negative thoughts to positive ones to teach your children about perspective and having an Islamic and prophetic outlook on life.  Instill hope in each other. Work on creating a sense of safety and calmness.
  5. Navigate social media and the news carefully-Limit your collective media consumption. Engage in "conscious viewing" which refers to recognizing how what you're viewing makes you feel and stop if it is upsetting you. Limit your subscriptions to politically based forums or pages and look for signs of cyberbullying in children as this may increase as a result of the election.
  6. Be active and responsible members of society- Know your rights and help find ways to be impactful in society. Research ways to participate in some form of activism to make a difference. 
  7. Ask your child what they want to happen or would like to change. If your child complains about something specific, you might ask them to suggest some improvements. Teach them the importance of using critical thinking and engaging in debates in a civil way. Refer to The FYI’s Digital Parenting Toolkit for more information. 
  8. Maintain meaningful connections with people-  keep ties with friends and family members who have positive effects on your life. Avoid charged or sensitive topics by setting boundaries and find other topics to connect on.
  9. Channel anxious energy into productive activities-Use your excess or nervous energy on a creative project, a hobby or integrate self-care practices into your daily routine.
  10. Be adaptable-Accepting the uncertainty of the future means planning one step at a time. Islam teaches us that life is uncertain. Being at peace with that uncertainty allows us to be flexible and let go of the fear-based beliefs that are driving our thinking.

May Allah (SWT) protect, guide, and have mercy on us all. Ameen

Flu and Covid-19 Pandemic

By: Sr. Kinza Saddiqui

Flu symptoms this year would be more challenging to recognize as some sign symptoms are similar to Covid-19. This year, it is more important than ever to receive your flu shot.

First and foremost, it is important to get your routine flu vaccine because once you have symptoms, the shot cannot be given. There are free walk-in places throughout the area where you can go and get your flu shots. For example, all pharmacies like Walgreen, CVS, Giant, and Safeway. Kaiser Permanente also has a drive-thru clinic or tent clinics for flu shots. Sometimes Kaiser Permanente offers Non-Kaiser members free flu shots.

You can schedule an appointment for a flu shot at or call the 24/7 appointments and advice line at 800-777-7904 (TTY 711).

You can also call any pharmacy in your area to get a flu shot.

To prevent getting the flu, wash your hands for twenty seconds several times a day, try not to touch your face/eyes. It’s not the soap that kills the germs; it’s the friction/rubbing in with soap which breaks down the germs.

Jumuah Mubarak!

If you want a species to flourish, you create an environment for it to flourish. -Shaykh Hassan Lachheb

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Al-Rahmah School's vision is to cultivate excellence in Islamic character and academics, foster leadership skills, and develop global awareness.

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The mission of Al-Rahmah School is to provide high-quality Islamic education through a holistic approach to child development that encourages excellence, hard work, perseverance, and dedication.  Al-Rahmah School aims to provide an integrated approach to Islam, meaningful life experiences, and effective adult mentorship.  Al-Rahmah School is committed to developing leaders who are focused on pleasing Allah and serving humanity, who are globally aware and locally active. 

Excellence in Knowledge, Character and Service.
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