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Figure 1. It is a little known fact that the NYS prison population has declined by almost one-fifth since the beginning of the year 2020. 

Dear <<First Name>>,

There was no anticipating the drastic challenges that 2020 would bring – certainly not for CPEP, where the new year saw us still celebrating a feature story in the Cornell Chronicle, the launch of a new associate degree program at Elmira, and a new cohort of students in Cornell's Certificate in Liberal Arts. We began the year by announcing 37 in-prison courses and expanded in-prison research opportunities. We planned an exciting public event in NYC and a symposium in Ithaca, NY... 

Then, the pandemic hit.

New York was ground zero for the first wave of COVID-19, and everything was postponed, paused, or cancelled in March. Our focus shifted first to pandemic mitigation: We advocated for the provision of hand sanitizer and directly provided masks to the entire prison population.

CPEP made do ... and innovated.

As the first wave of infections died down in New York, we shifted to innovating new forms of connection with our students: building video conferencing classrooms in each facility, emailing with incarcerated students via prison-provided tablets, and pre-recording lectures for screenings in our in-prison computer labs. These were victories won in a year of a public health pandemic and social turmoil.

We sorely miss our 200+ CPEP students. Their academic ambition is weathering the storm, with every remote-taught fall 2020 course fully enrolled – yet another testament to human spirit and tenacity.

Your support would be deeply appreciated now.

Our mission is the same as ever: to provide the best possible opportunities for incarcerated people to achieve their full academic potential (see our Year in Review, below).

We need your support as much as we do in any other year, and then some. If you can, please do include the Cornell Prison Education Program in your holiday giving this year. Thank you!


Robert Scott, Exec. Director
Cornell Prison Education Program
Donate to CPEP

Year In Review - 2020
Cornell Prison Education Program

February 2020 March 2020
  • CPEP raises $16,180 during Cornell Giving Day on par with academic departments and well-established units of Cornell.
  • COVID-19 shuts down in-prison instruction, Cornell University campuses, as well as all state prison programs and personal visits.
  • CPEP leads statewide communication effort with NY-DOCCS Commissioner regarding COVID-19 in prison.
April-May 2020
  • The NYC event and Ithaca symposium are cancelled due to the pandemic.
  • CPEP leads a statewide effort to provide protective masks to the entire state prison population.

Figure 2. A chart illustrating the first wave of COVID cases in the New York state prisons in relation to the timing of the mask provision effort.

June 2020
  • CPEP resumes suspended spring 2020 courses, supporting instructors and incarcerated students in completing coursework now adapted for distance education.
July 2020
  • Jamila Michener, Associate Professor of Government, named CPEP Advisory Board Chair.
August 2020
  • CPEP announces $100,000 award from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support students during COVID-19.
  • CPEP Alumni Advisory Council is formed.
  • CPEP Twitter launched.
  • CPEP videoconferencing classroom proposal approved by NY-DOCCS.
September 2020
  • Director Rob Scott participates in NYS Senate hearing on the impact of COVID-19 in NYS Prisons and Jails.
  • CPEP launches entirely remote Fall Semester courses in all four prisons served by the program.
October 2020
  • Keisha Slaughter announced as new Associate Director of Cornell Prison Education Program.
  • Zellnor Myrie JD'16, former CPEP instructor and now NYS Senator representing District 20 in Brooklyn, provided an awesome night of conversation via zoom (hear an excerpt). 
November 2020
  • First videoconference meetings hosted with students at Cayuga Correctional Facility. 
  • Betsye Violette promoted to Senior Program Coordinator, taking on our flagship initiative at Auburn Correctional Facility.
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