
Hello Centennial Crew!

Welcome to November. 

The November PTA Meeting will be this Tuesday November 17th starting at 6:30pm after CSC. Please find the October Meeting Minutes, November Agenda, and November Treasurer's Report below.

Zoom Info:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 856 5832 4941
Passcode: 147505

Stay tuned for details- we will be having a virtual Winter Sale that will include Plants, Centennial Merchandise with Discounts, and Grocery Cards.

During the PTA meeting we will be reading the Thank You's from our teachers and students for the Outdoor Classroom set-ups. They have been a huge success! 

PTA officers would also like to hear your concerns, questions, and comments while respecting your anonymity. If you feel like reaching out please email us at

Thank You All,
Centennial PTA

October Meeting Minutes

November Agenda

November Treasurer Report

Outdoor Classroom Thank You Card

Centennial Donation Monthly Subscription

The Centennial Donation Monthly Subscription is going well but we still need more families. 

Part of the mission of Centennial's PTA is to support a wide variety of activities, supplies, and educational opportunities that enrich our students' experience at school.

This year, the Centennial PTA is introducing a brand-new way to raise money for our school. It’s easier, more inclusive, and more effective at helping us achieve our financial goals. If we meet our goals more quickly, we won’t be asking you for money as often. We’ll be able to expand our events and activities to focus on building community, spreading school spirit, and celebrating our accomplishments. We hope you'll find this new option more accessible and easier to support—at whatever level your family feels comfortable.

Here’s how it works: You contribute a monthly donation of $20, $40, $60 or more every month of the school year. A donation of $40 per month for the entire school year is only $360 in 9 easy installments. Do less if you like–do more if you can. 

Whatever amount you choose will be charged to your credit/debit card every month until the end of the 20/21 school year (May 31, 2021). 

If you're able, you may sponsor another family who might not have the means to participate. Your relatives, friends, and neighbors can chip in too!

What your donation will cover: 

  1. Classroom supplies and activities, expedition field work, and other school-wide needs as shared by Centennial teachers and staff. 

  2. Outdoor classroom and overnight expedition supplies such as lightweight wagons, pop-up tents, and folding chairs.

  3. Two tickets to the Spring Soirée to celebrate our Centennial crew and accomplishments as parents and caretakers—if the event happens. (This benefit is received with a minimum contribution of $20 per month for 9 months, or $180 total.)

  4. Satisfaction in knowing YOU are helping make every child’s experience at Centennial better.

Ready to Donate- Click Here and be sure to select the "monthly" option when you enter the amount you choose to donate. 

Thank you for supporting Centennial Elementary through the Centennial Elementary PTA. 

We are Crew!


P.S. You can share this page with grandparents and friends, too.

You Asked We Answered. Centennial Merch available Now.

Stock-up on your Centennial Gear for Fall with free (safe) drop-offs. On the Centennial Store Now- Click Here


Click Below to see available discounts:
As a member of Centennial PTA you receive membership benefits from Colorado & National PTA.
2019/2020 Centennial- A School for Expeditionary Learning PTA

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Denver, CO 80212

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