Clayton Design Group
Poor Tom!
As the saying goes, "You can run, but you cannot hide!" Tom Turkey is not really looking forward to the holiday.

Cutler Illustration

Illustration created by Dave Cutler, our go-to-guy when we need that special art for a project. Click on the image to see it in full size.

You can see more of Dave's outstanding work at Dave Cutler Studio.
Giving Thanks!

I trust this note finds you well and excited about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. It's a great time for families to enjoy one another, eat some great food, and watch some football!

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. - Erma Bombeck

Great food and football aside, Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks and express our gratitude. Regardless of our situation, there is always something to be thankful for ... here's my top 4! (I have many more, but this is suppose to be a quick read.)

I am tremendously grateful for the grace and love God has given me, even though I am not deserving.

I am very
grateful for our team at CDG ... everyone puts their heart and their best effort to help those we serve, every day.

I am super
grateful for all of you who have asked us to work for you, its why we can do what we do.

And, most of all, my lovely wife who puts up with me in more ways than I could ever repay ... I am forever
grateful for her love and friendship.

This year, give thanks and express your appreciation, eat some great food ... then go watch some football! 

Jim Clayton


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