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I'm delighted to let you know that The Simplicity Store is now live and our first collection is online!  

We have designed three types of stationery which all have The Simplicity Principle of clarity, of keeping within the limit of six, and of being designed around the most efficient shape in nature (the six-sided hexagon).

Who doesn't want to shape the day and not have it shape you? This  simple tear-off notepad is one of the three items of stationery carefully designed to be useful and who better to use as a guinea pig than myself? 
Shop the Simplicity Stationery now!
And for those of you wishing for a wider selection of items you may like to sign up to the Editorial Intelligence newsletter as the online store featuring a diverse range of items from around the network will be launched in December. Sign up here.
"Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there you can move mountains" - Steve Jobs

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