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News & Shmooze 

1851 Noriega Street San Francisco, CA 94122 ● (415) 564-5665
Shul Opening Update

All services are now held in the main sanctuary. This necessitates extra vigilance to ensure a low-risk COVID-19 environment. Therefore, it is imperative that anyone wishing to attend services inform the rabbi in advance. In addition, anyone who has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or has a cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell must stay home.

The Rabbi's Blog: Living Jewish in San Francisco

Since his untimely and tragic death last Shabbat, thousands of tributes have been written remembering Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l, a leader of unparalleled stature and influence in today’s Jewish community and beyond. Each tribute speaks to the special relationship and impact he had on individuals, organizations, and communities. His passing is truly a tremendous loss not only to the Jewish community, but to the world. In my opinion, the best way to pay respect to Rabbi Sacks, especially during his shiva, is to study his torah. Therefore, I share with you some of his writings that I find very meaningful and inspiring. Read more. (Photo courtesy of On Being)

Shabbat Chayei Sara
Friday, November 13- Saturday, November 14
Friday, November 13
7:45am    Shacharit 
4:40pm    Mincha/Ma'ariv 
4:41pm    Candlelighting

Shabbat, November 14
Chayei Sara
Shema must be concluded by 9:22am
9:15am     Shacharit 
4:35pm     Mincha/Ma'ariv
5:41pm     Havdalah
Sunday, November 15
8:00am    Shacharit 
4:40pm    Mincha/Ma'ariv

Monday-Thursday, November 16-19
(Tuesday is Rosh Chodesh Kislev)
7:45am    Shacharit
7:00pm    Ma'ariv

Adath Israel Zoom World
Friday, November 13, 3:00pm
Story Time with the Rabbi
Meeting ID: 859 1987 7123
Password: 333274
Call-In Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 871 1028 7339
Password: 046597
Call-In Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 867 5437 5483
Password: 931188
Call-In Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 870 7344 7128
Password: 831234
Call-In Number: (669) 900-6833
Thursday November 19, 7:30pm
What Am I Doing? 
Is Gambling Kosher?
Meeting ID: 854 7019 6516
Password: 716117
Call-In Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 859 1987 7123
Password: 333274
Call-In Number: (669) 900-6833

Michelle & Richard Postal for the Yahrzeit of Michelle’s beloved father, Max Hampel
Alex & Inna Goldshteyn in honor of Rabbi Landau and the Adath Israel community
Zahava & Meir Holland in honor of Rabbi Landau
David & Judy Rosner in memory of Murray Rosner
Drs. Jonathan Esensten & Raquel Gardner for the Jewish Day School Transportation Fund
Joseph & Dinah Szander for the Yahrzeit of Cantor Abraham Szander
Joyce & Sidney Berenstein for the Yahrzeit of Harry Berenstein 

Lloyd Klein for the Yahrzeit of his beloved mother, Mania Klein
Ian Reynolds & Jessica Ozeri for a Refuah Shlema for Patty Ozeri
Abe Newman for a Refuah Shleima for Rabbi Landau
Drs. Sharon & Kevin Saitowitz for a Refuah Shleima for Kevin’s mother, Zelda

Weekly Minyan Sponsor
Thank you to Roman Slepnyov & Polina Pasynkova for sponsoring the weekly minyan in gratitude for the successful surgery of their son, Daniel

Giving Tuesday Matching Campaign
December 1st is #GivingTuesday. This day of global generosity was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past seven years, it has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give and celebrate generosity. Adath Israel has been blessed with an anonymous donor who will match dollar for dollar every donation made to the shul. As you know, due to circumstances beyond our control (i.e. COVID), the shul’s ability to raise funds has been significantly reduced. Therefore, anything you can contribute will be greatly appreciated. Look out for details on how to donate. 
Enjoy Metropolitan Sushi
Something new is cooking at Metropolitan Sushi. Check out their Thanksgiving menu, all orders must be placed by November 17. You can also see their Mexican, sushi, and Shabbat menus
Parasha in a Nutshell

Sarah dies at age 127 and is buried in the Machpelah Cave in Hebron, which Abraham purchases from Ephron the Hittite for four hundred shekels of silver. 

Abraham’s servant Eliezer is sent, laden with gifts, to Charan, to find a wife for Isaac. At the village well, Eliezer asks G-d for a sign: when the maidens come to the well, he will ask for some water to drink; the woman who will offer to give his camels to drink as well shall be the one destined for his master’s son. Rebecca, the daughter of Abraham’s nephew Bethuel, appears at the well and passes the “test.” Eliezer is invited to their home, where he repeats the story of the day’s events. Rebecca returns with Eliezer to the land of Canaan, where they encounter Isaac praying in the field. Isaac marries Rebecca, loves her, and is comforted over the loss of his mother.

Abraham takes a new wife, Keturah (Hagar), and fathers six additional sons, but Isaac is designated as his only heir. Abraham dies at age 175 and is buried beside Sarah by his two eldest sons, Isaac and Ishmael. ( 

Parasha Thought
By Rav Mordechai Kamenestky

In this week’s portion, there is an amazing characterization of Avraham’s servant, Eliezer. The Torah tells us that in finding a wife for his son Yitzchak, Avraham relied upon Eliezer. But the Torah describes Eliezer in conjunction with that event in a very noteworthy manner. It tells us that “Avraham turned to Eliezer, the elder of his household, who ruled over all his possessions,” and asked him to go find a wife for Yitzchak (Genesis 24:2). What connection does ruling over possessions have to do with matchmaking? Even a financial guru can be a dunce when it comes to matching the appropriate marital needs of a budding patriarch. After all, Warren Buffet does not run the Fields Agency!

Also the words “ruled over all of Avraham’s possessions” needs explanation. Rulers are in complete control as the word rule connotes an imperial role. Why did the Torah use such an expression to depict the function of the administrator of an estate?

Further, why would dominion over fiscal matters have any bearing on matters of matrimony? What is the connection between Eliezer’s financial finesse and the charge to find a wife for Yitzchak?

I once sat on an overseas flight next to a talkative executive who was skeptical about his own Jewish heritage. During the first hours of the flight, the man peppered me with questions, mostly cynical, about Judaism.

Then the meal came. I was served a half-thawed omelet that seemed to be hiding under a few peas and carrots. The half-cooked egg was nestled between a small aluminum pan and its quilted blanket of tape and double-wrapped aluminum foil. Next to me, the executive was served a steaming piece of roast pork on fine china, with a succulent side dish of potatoes au gratin and a glass of fine wine.

As if to score big, the executive tucked his napkin into his collar and turned to me. He stared at my pathetic portion and with sympathetic eyes sarcastically professed, “I’d love to offer you my meal, but I’m sorry you can’t eat it!”

I did not buy into his gambit. “Of course I can eat it!” I smiled. “In fact I think I’ll switch with you right now!” His smile faded. He was famished and in no way did he want to give away his portion. But he was totally mystified at my response. I saw the concern in his face. He was looking forward to eating this meal.

“I can have it if I want it. And if I don’t want it I won’t eat it. I have free choice and control over what I eat and what I don’t. The Torah tells me not to eat this food and I have made a conscious choice to listen to the Torah. I therefore choose not to eat it.”

Then, I went for broke “Now let me ask you a question. Can you put the cover back on the food and hold yourself back from eating it?”

He smiled sheepishly and said, “you are not allowed to eat it. I, however, cannot not eat it.” And with that he dug in.

The Kli Yakar, Rabbi Shlomo Efraim Lunshitz, a very profound commentator who lived in the 1600s, explains that the criterion for objective and unbiased decisions is the ability to be in total power of any influencing impediment. Eliezer ruled over all of Avraham’s possessions. They did not rule over him. That is why Avraham knew that Eliezer would not be unduly influenced in his thought process and decision-making.

He ruled over the mundane, and no money could influence his pure objectivity. He would not be bribed, cajoled or lured with gifts or cash by any prospective suitors. He would make his choice with a clear frame of mind Avraham’s.

The question we all must ask is, do we rule over the temporal, or does it rule over us?” Is the desire to get the latest gadget, buy the sleekest car, or acquire the most exquisite piece of jewelry ruling over us and controlling our lives or, like Eliezer, do we approach the beauties of this word with a calm, controlled attitude? Before we set our goals and our rules we must ascertain that we have goals and that we rule!

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Sunset Eruv
Sunset Eruv
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-1:30pm
If you'd like to contribute to next week's issue, please email or call the office by Wednesday at 3:00PM. 

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