Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Last time, we saw how we attract our reality into our field,

what a great guidance you can draw out of those happenings,

and your ability to absolutely change what you don’t like
and recreate your world in a way that works for you.
Have you had the chance to ask yourself
‘How, and why, did I attract this into my field, into my reality?’
If yes, what have you found?
(‘Reply’… Looking forward to hear!)

Before we continue and dive into the How To,

Can I remind you that The Phoenix rising Membership Community
is now open to join? –
There, among many other things,
we explore and implement the best practices of dissolving triggers and inner obstacles
through mirrors and reflections.

Let's get back to it in more detail at the end of the email.

We have many parts, or voices, inside us.

They can sometimes pull to different directions
or contradict each other.

And sometimes, this is the sweet loving vibration of the soul,
reflected in the most beautiful, graceful way
bestows you with moments of light and pleasure.

These voices and vibrations will all be manifested around you
as situations, interactions and alive characters –
just like a movie,
speaking aloud their roles and scripts.
Can you realize how,
since the outer reality is actually a projection of your inner one,
the external world is simply an expansion of you?

We also already remember,

that 97% of these voices are not really conscious.

So, many times, the only way for you to know
that something is unconsciously going on,
affecting and conducting your reality,
is to hear and see the reflections in front of you.
And ask, understand and figure out:

What – is going on? What is happening?
Why – is this happening? Why was this attracted to me? Why now?
Who – is this voice inside me?

What can you usually see?
There are 3 main kinds of mirrors.
Here they are, with two examples for each one.
Many times, though,
you’ll find that all of the mirrors’ versions –
or at least the first two –
are present.

Because when there is a vibration, it vibrates to all directions.

1. Direct mirror

Example 1:
What: There is anger directed toward me.
Why: Are they reacting to my own anger -
even if I haven’t realize/admit/show that I’m angry?
Whom: Who is this angry voice inside me?
Where am I angry at myself?
Talking to me like that,
maybe judging or criticizing me, beating up myself?
Example 2:
What: The wifi connection stopped working an hour ago, everything I’ve tried didn't help.
Why: Am I disconnected from myself?
Did I need to rest and haven't listened to my needs? 
Did I secretly ask for a break?
Whom: Is this the voice of my intuition, or of my body,
trying to draw my attention?

2. Opposite mirror

Example 1:
What: There is anger directed towards me.
Why: Could they feel that I actually know I'm guilty, irresponsible, deserve anger -
even though I’m really trying to cover it up?
Whom: Who is this inner voice,
exposing and showing my dishonesty, my hiding?   
Example 2:
What: The wifi connection stopped working an hour ago, everything I’ve tried didn't help.
Why: Am I too attached to myself? –
Is it time to learn to relax and open up to asking for, and getting, help?
Whom: Is this the exhausted voice ready for a change,
seeking more lightness, ease, support?

3. A reminder mirror

Example 1:
What: There is anger around me, but never towards me.
Why: Why do I need this in my reality?
It makes me irritated, even scared. Triggers me.
What does it remind me to take care of and dissolve?
Whom: Who is this inner voice?
To whom in my past does it belong? Reminds me of?
Example 2:
What: I’ve heard that recently the wifi connection in the building keeps stop working, but have never experienced that myself.
Why: Have I planned to update my tablet’s data plan for a long time,
and kept postponing that?
Am I afraid one day it’ll happen to me,
and I won’t be able to enjoy the internet or work from home? 
Whom: Is this the part who asks for order and organization,
and likes to see completed tasks?
Is this my fear pushing me to make sure I have a backup plan?
How is this feeling to you?

Could you see the general idea of each type of mirror?
If it's a lot, just see if you can get a general idea -

and next time,
we’ll explore the best way to practice all of this.


And last word for today: Why to even bother?

by revealing and dissolving these hidden strong influences, you:

1. Free up your inner world, self and life
to do everything you really want –
without being limited and blocked by inner obstacles, walls and glass ceilings.

2. Stay focused, centered, calm and confident –
without wasting time, energy and other resources
on being triggered and reactive.



this is exactly why I've put together The Phoenix Rising Membership Community.

So that we can, together, take the time
to dive into these hidden areas of life,
and enable healing, empowerment and growth.

Let me show you briefly how it works? :

What is this community?
This is our new home for healing and growth -
To be surrounded by inspiration and practical tools
for self examination, liberation and actualization.

Enroll if you want to:

  • Figure out why things don't work the way you want, and how to shift into the life you always wanted.
  • Connect with your authentic self and start to follow and speak up your true voice.
  • Build self confidence, self love and care, and self trust.
  • Reveal your harmonious golden path of communication and relationships.
  • Uncover the full potential of your gifts, and fulfill your destiny and dreams.
  • Find calmness and inner stability, and attract health, abundance and happiness into your life.
What does it include?
  • Renewing resources library
  • Bi-weekly masterclasses & Q&A
  • Permanent and special members rates
  • Community active Whatsapp group
  • Community silent Whatsapp group
Launch special
Try it - Get the first month for $7 only (instead of $47).
Cancel anytime.
All the details and signing up:
Click for all the details and signing up
* If you are currently taking one of the long programs (10 weeks / 4 months),
the membership is included in your program.

It would be great to see you there!
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Leader of My Life - It's not too late to make 2020 Your Pivotal Year

A focused 10 weeks deep guided self work
to find your authentic way and start fulfilling your dreams
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Unlock your inner wisdom, treasures and superpowers 
  • Shift into your best version path
Check it here Leader of My Life

Is it time for you to get grounded, balanced and clear?

Find your focus, stability and motivation in the changing reality:
  • Pick what you need from the services menu
  • In-person or at the convenience and the safety of your home, through Skype

Feel like keeping in a closer touch?

Join us at Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported
and to receive a daily message from the cards.

Click to join:

What else can I do for you?

I would love to hear how you're doing?
and how can I better serve you through this time?
Waiting to read from you here

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