November was National Diabetes Awareness Month. Here at the Washington University Center for Diabetes Translation Research, we are committed to advancing the science of diabetes health equity. 
NIDDK Diabetes Discoveries & Practice Blog: Addressing the Individual Social Needs of Patients with Diabetes
Presented by Matthew Kreuter, PhD, MPH

On the NIDDK Diabetes Discoveries and Practice Blog, WU-CDTR Core Lead Matthew Kreuter explains how health care professionals can help address patients’ individual social needs so that they can give more time and attention to their health.

Social Determinants of Health and Diabetes: A Scientific Review

Felicia Hill-Briggs, Nancy E. Adler, Seth A. Berkowitz, Marshall H. Chin, Tiffany L. Gary-Webb, Ana Navas-Acien, Pamela L. Thornton, Debra Haire-Joshu

With the goal of understanding and improving the health of people with diabetes through addressing SDOH, a writing committee—convened by the ADA and co-led by WU-CDTR Director Debra Haire-Joshu —reviewed past evidence and research on diabetes risk and outcomes, as well as the impacts of interventions in these determinants. The paper concludes with recommendations for linkages across health care and community sectors, diabetes research, and research to inform practice.

Applications Now Open
The Institute for Implementation Science Scholars (IS-2) at Washington University in St. Louis is a mentored training program for faculty interested in applying dissemination and implementation methods and strategies to reduce the burden of chronic disease and address health inequities.

Applicants interested in addressing the prevention and control of obesity, diabetes, or cancer through D&I research are encouraged to apply.

Applications due: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 (5 pm CST)
Visit for more information

Presented by Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson
About the CDTR
The CDTR is committed to supporting researchers working to advance diabetes translation research. CDTR Cores offer a range of support and services around the following: 
  • Dissemination and Implementation in Diabetes Research
  • Health Communication and Health Literacy
  • Health Informatics in Diabetes Research
  • Policy and Systems Science Analysis
  • Research Partnerships with American Indian/Alaska Native Communities 
  • Solutions to Diabetes in Black Americans 
Contact to access core services. 

Publications supported by CDTR should include this statement when submitted for publication:

"This publication was made possible by Grant Number P30DK092950 from the NIDDK."

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