Family Resources for Advent 2020
Discover great Advent resources for you and your family by clicking on the picture above. These resources can be customized to your own family and even different settings (immediate family to the block in your neighborhood). You will find:
  • Advent Family Devotional with crafts, family activities and more (it partners with the PCPC Prayer Guide)
  • An Advent Hymnal
  • An Advent Cookie Calendar
  • Happy Birthday Jesus Program & Nativity Script
  • Share Jesus with Candy Cane postcards
Volunteers Needed On Sunday Mornings
Volunteers are needed on Sunday mornings in the Children's Ministry at both hours (9am and 11am). Click on the picture above to access the sign-up link. Commitment is based on your availability. Any adult certified through our PCPC Safety System is able to serve; we do screen adult volunteers for COVID-19.
Family Worship Guide from Sunday, Nov 22
Check out our family worship or devotional guide based on the sermon from Sunday, November 22. Use the various elements, or all of them, for your family given the ages of your kids and the time you have. Click the picture above to see the guide.
Prarent Prep for Sunday, Nov 29
Want to prepare your family for this Sunday's Worship service especially during this season of Advent? Click the picture above to find various components to get your family ready for Sunday worship. Customize it to fit the needs and schedule of your family!
Click On Icons Below To Access Info on Resources and Programs
PCPC Passport - Japan
Sunday Morning PCPC Childcare

A Note To The Reader.

During the pandemic, I have been reading Ecclesiastes several times. Reading through Ecclesiastes is like talking with a sharp middle-aged critic who tells you how to live your life by turning your view of the world upside down. One way he does this is by comparing aspects of life to "Hevel," a Hebrew word that literally translates to vapor or smoke but is commonly translated to meaningless or vanity of vanity in modern English translations.  The author is trying to allude to is life is like smoke or vapor you can see, but it's always changing and impossible to grasp in your hand. The author argues that we can't control our lives because of this, so we must learn to live our lives with an open spirit because the only thing we can control is our attitude.

I don't know about you, but I have felt more in exile or that my world has been flipped upside over the past ten months than I have ever in my life. Working in investments, I have gone from working 10-12-hour days in the office to being lucky to stretch my work to 3-4 hours a day at home. I have gone from enjoying Thai food at Malai to having to have it delivered. I have gone from being able to see friends and family to having to limit my interactions. The meaning of all of this is hard to understand and grasp. Life takes one shape, and before you know, it takes another.  I genuinely am powerless to the situation, but regardless of my power to control the situation, I can have a joyous attitude, love God, and keep His commandments.

Sam Clark
Elementary Ministry Volunteer

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