You may have heard the stat before - Successful CEO's read 50 - 60 books a year. Don't feel bad, I didn't conquer that goal this year either.

That said, I did read when time allowed and added several new books to my list of favorites. Did you discover a book that inspired you?

The list I created last year sparked a great deal of interest, so I put it together again for 2021. I timed it before the holiday shopping spree in an effort to encourage the idea of BOOKS as GIFTS. 

This list comes after reaching out to a wide range of high-performers to understand what motivated, entertained, inspired, and informed them during this crazy year.

In this week's podcast, I discuss if this the best time ever to book your travel? Based on my experience, I will tell you why now is the time to make the most of these amazing deals and prices. Also, why and how you should negotiate your pricing for your accommodations. I also will share some amazing people that are still traveling the world full-time.

Showing love for two separate 'friends of the show' that are continuing to travel big time during the lockdowns. It is still possible to live out your dreams.

Isa and David -  
Jen and Shane - 

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As always, I am extremely THANKFUL and GRATEFUL for anyone that takes the time to read these newsletters and listen/watch any of the content that I put out. 

Receiving the notes from others that are living out their dreams from something that I wrote/said is the reason that I continue to stay focused on the mission of encouraging travel to open your mind to new ideas, cultural love, and spiritual growth through the discomforts of the road. Travel will change you.

Best of luck to those in tough situations heading into the holidays. 
There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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