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Dear <<First Name>>,
Set Ablaze

Traditionally October is a really big month for us. To a large extend this is because we have our annual Burn Worship Weekend. We create opportunity where we buy out time to worship Jesus for an entire weekend. When Jesus places His fingerprints on you, no man can change your mind with regards to the love encounter you had with the one true God. We witnessed many other transformational encounters between man and God. Most of the time I am at a lost for words to describe God’s greatness.
Below I would love to take you through the month and the upcoming events as this year is heading towards a sudden halt:


BRAKPAN – 14 Nov 2020
We are grateful to be taking hands with Sons of the Prophets ministries (SOTP) to strengthen the hands of Latter Harvest Ministry in Brakpan. We reached 250 families with food parcels and even more with the truth of Jesus Christ. Please keep the Latter Harvest Ministries with the follow up and work in their community after this day of deep impact in the community.
We are actively viewing farms, to activate our faith for the next step which God is speaking to us about, regarding skills and restoration for our homeless friends. We really need prayers as we’re stepping out in faith. From a practical point of view, there is no way we are able to do this, in the same breath I realise that we shouldn’t have been able to feed more than 5400 people in one day. I’m learning that God provides for His vision


For more information regarding any of these, please contact myself or the name provided
Worship Centre: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Nov 2020 (Antoinette 076 506 0862 & Vanessa 072 927 4772)
Lock-down camp 10:30: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Nov 2020 (Pieter 071 450 9910)
Church in The Park 15:00: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Nov 2020 (Seleste 082 787 3008)
Feet on the Street: 3, 17 Nov 2020 (Antoinette 076 506 0862)
Restoration programme (Skills development): 10, 24 Nov 2020 (Wickus 083 500 0027)
Cell Groups: 11, 25 Nov 2020 (Louis 082 777 8327)
Prayer Sessions: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Nov 2020 (Xenia or Pieter 071 450 9910)


I’m never sure what to say about a weekend like this, where all we did was to seek God’s face. What God does in a weekend like this, no words can truly capture. He deposits himself in our spirit man in ways that will carry fruit for years to come.
I think it best, that some others tell about their Jesus encounters:
In preparation for and during the BURN worship weekend the resounding theme God spoke to me about is that He is excited about His bride. He is excited that we are seeking His face and He wants to reveal more of Himself to us. For me the words of this song sum up the weekend: “All my life you have been faithful. All my life you have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.” - Goodness of God, Bethel.  There were so many hearts, burning with a desire to sing of the goodness of God with every breath they had. Being part of the team doing the arrangements, I felt my role this weekend was to serve, but Father just humbled me and showed me that His Holy Spirit was the one serving up a feast of eternal value for the one He loves, His body, His church. How precious and wonderful that He would choose to love us despite our shortcomings, that He would choose to love us despite our pride and fear. His goodness is really running after us. - Marili du Plessis
“At one point they called the missionaries forward to receive ministry. They had the body surround us and pray for us…” WvD
I had one of the greatest breakthroughs that weekend - having received breakthrough from the LORD in breaking cycles and behaviour in me that were straining my relationships, the weekend at BURN took the healing a step further in me encountering God as Father, so much so, that I finally got in touch with my inner child. God healed the trauma in my life that caused me to have that childlike faith again. – MG

Lockdown: COVID camp for homeless
We received notification that the group had to relocate within one week. This transition stirred a lot of fear and uncertainty within the guys, but we’ve seen how God came to turn things around radically.
 We met Luther at the lock-down camp, he came to South Africa 20 months ago, to join a church, because he wanted to know more about God. It was nothing like he imagined, and he ended up on the streets, During our time at the lock-down camp, we built a special friendship with him and we could send our friend back home. He is returning to Zimbabwe not just as husband and father, but we released him as one of our full-time missionaries. He really did meet Jesus and his relationship with God is extremely vibrant and stable. We are excited to see what God is about to do in Zimbabwe because of the radical impact God had on Luther’s life!
We are closing for most activities in December, but we will still have our traditional Christmas day lunch for the homeless on the 25th. Please speak to Antoinette (076 506 0862) regarding involvement.


If you feel to partner with me financially,
please do so with one of the following means:
Monthly or lump sum contributions can be paid directly into Kingdom Culture ministry account, as follows:

Kingdom Culture Global
First National Bank
Cheque Account
Account number: 62202476372
Branch Name: Hatfield
Personnel reference number: XEN01
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

Or on PayPal Link

Or personal banking account: 
X. Swanepoel
Standard Bank - Cheque account - 012729701


  1. Kingdom Culture team. They are amazing in their love and execution and pursuit of the call of Jesus Christ
  2. The various projects and future vision of Kingdom Culture
  3. God spoke about the land in the beginning of the year. I am looking at a specific piece of land. I need finances and staff to implement the vision.
  4. A pickup truck (bakkie) to help us do the work that needs to be done. The ministry has grown to a place where I need to load many heavy things and transport more and more people.
  5. Financial provision on a personal and ministry level for everything that we are doing.
  6. Hands and feet to help connect the homeless to employment and skills development opportunities. 
  7. We are praying for more hands to help and specifically for Godly men to take their rightful stand and accept their responsibility


It is my prayer that you will experience the love of God for yourself and live of firsthand revelation from the Father's heart. Thank you for loving me and my team well! 

Many blessings,

         Xenia Swanepoel | Kingdom Culture
         Visionary President
         082 347 1430
Copyright © 2020 Kingdom Culture Global, All rights reserved.

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