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Welcome to our Christmas newsletter
from your team at Wokingham Without Parish Council 
December 2020

In this issue, the only ‘C’ word you will hear from us relates to Christmas and Cheer, with stories and items we hope will put a smile on your face as we all try and cope with these difficult times.  

So, starting off on the theme of Cheer we would like to thank the folks at Squires Garden Centre for their kind donation of two Christmas trees for the Parish. We would also like to thank Roger of ‘Roger’s of Crowthorne’ in Greenwood Road for providing lights, arranging the installation at Greenwood Road and providing the electricity - read more about Roger further on in this newsletter! The second tree is located outside the Parish office at Pinewood.  We hope everyone enjoys their bright cheerfulness and the kindness of our sponsors. 

We can also reflect on some of the things we’ve been able to do in Wokingham Without in 2020. Many of you will have noticed the new picnic tables and benches in our play areas, near the football pitch and in the meadow near the pond. Again, we recognise the generosity from Johnson and Johnson Medical in providing these for us. 
We have also invested in the toddlers play area at Pinewood, where youngsters can enjoy the new train and ticket office and new trampoline. We also replaced the perimeter fence and installed self-closing gates to improve safety. This is all part of our ongoing plan to invest in Pinewood. 

Elsewhere in the parish, the council has provided funding and worked with Wokingham Borough Council to improve local footpaths, and funded the resurface of the car park and installation of cycle parking hoops at Heath Lake. 

And, as part of our commitment to getting people out of cars and using alternative transport, we have also installed a new bike parking facility at Pinewood.  

An afternoon walk through the woods.....
If you're looking for a place to take a stroll over the Christmas break, to burn off all those mince pie induced calories, head down to Pinewood and visit your woodland friends - a great, fun activity to discover where rabbit, badger and squirrel are hiding in our lovely woods!

When you get back from your walk, try out our mulled wine recipe and exercise your grey cells with our locally inspired brain teaser!

Mulled wine recipe

750ml bottle of red wine
6 cloves
5cm cinnamon stick
4 star anise
large orange (sliced)
lemon (sliced)
1 tablespoon of sugar or honey (to sweeten) as required
Put all the ingredients in a large pan and gently bring to the boil, turn the heat to a minimum and simmer gently for an hour. 

You can also slow cook this on as low a heat as possible for longer to impart more flavour. When ready to drink, raise the heat to quickly boil then turn down and serve in pre-warmed cups suitable for ‘hot liquids’.

Take care when pouring and add more sugar if required. 

Brain Teaser!

Enjoy a cup of mulled wine, perhaps a mince pie or two, and see if you can solve these anagrams of local places, organisations or landmarks in Wokingham Without!

1. Crow in deep tone 

2. No spiced kid 

3. Hip is for café 

4. Focal bull bot 

5. Hide chart 

6. Alarm home ill 

7. Let boil docker 

8. Gordon shear swooped 

9. DNA halo trashed 

10. Bassoonists satchel 

11. A homeward knowing 

12. Maria unite warily 

Email for a list of answers!

Local Business Feature: Roger's of Crowthorne

by Cllr Chris Lancaster
If you were to describe the ideal village shop, it might just be something like Roger's.  
'Roger's of Crowthorne' (known simply as Roger's), is conveniently a short walk from everyone. It's a wonderland of things you don’t even know you need. It's where I find myself going for a box of screws and emerging with a bag for pegs or garden twine, after having a much-needed education in 'Match of the Day'. I am sure Roger could even supply fork ‘andles! Every day, like Arkwright or Granville, he displays a selection of household wares on the pavement in front of his shop. 
I have lived in Wokingham Without for many years and assumed Roger had always been here. Not so, he explained.  Originally from Sunbury, he arrived here via Sandhurst where he had worked as a carpenter. He raised two sons, one  a professional goalkeeper the other a skilled electrician. He has also been something of an athlete himself in his time and is still a regular swimmer. Roger is always ready for a chat, everyone is welcome.  He is a fixture of our lovely little parade and long may he be so.

And this generous, warm-hearted man truly embraces the festive spirit. His ever-changing window is the first to be decorated for Christmas, with bright lights and tinsel, and full of such delights that the child in you will want to press your nose to the window and take in the display! So when it came to the Christmas tree idea, the Parish council’s first call was to Roger, who immediately rose to the challenge sorting out lighting, cabling and fixtures.

 From everyone at Wokingham Without Parish Council, we wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year.
We look forward to continuing to deliver for our local community throughout 2021. 
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