Radical Generosity
In this newsletter you will read our special gift to you, BE's hive about radical generosity, completed campaigns and Luca's ongoing journey. Join us today when we go live at 3pm EST
We give you FREE shipping, FREE 6-month membership to the Alinker Academy until the end of the year with your Alinker (only for the USA and Canada)

ORDER HERE and stay active during the winter! 

Luca one month on his XS

It is an incredible journey to see a 10 year old Luca go from being miserable to so happy and engaged.

He used to hate school. When his mum dropped him off, she would keep the phone on, because he would cry, melt down and cause his teacher to call her and ask her to pick him up again.

Today, he gets up, dresses himself, he goes on his Alinker and out the house by himself since a neighbour installed a ramp. Just last week he asked his mum to brush his hair, and when they arrived at school, he said: "mum can I please stay the afternoon too?"

Prue called BE in tears and said: " You have no idea, what you have done, what this means to our whole family. Now I can go home and have till 3.30 this afternoon for myself!"

His whole body is changing, he gets stronger and works hard with his PT and mum to work his posture and his muscles. He is more independent and just so happy.

BE's hive

Radical Generosity

Janice is the Founder of Horizn. Her and with her staff make a donation to something meaningful each year towards the year end. Janice is a SHEEO activator, and that is how she learned about the Alinker, a SHEEO venture. 

This year they decided to donate an Alinker to Amelia. Amelia's campaign had 10 days left and had only raised $25 and needed some serious love.  What a surprise for Amelia!!! What a gift!  

Cheryl completed yesterday and became the #138 campaign! 

Which makes Amelia campaign #139! Thank you Horizn and all other generous supporters of the campaigners. What a community. 

3pm EST today, we'll go live on Alinker Instagram with announcements and Amelia and Cheryl who will be live with us!! Join us! 
visit the LIVE campaigns

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"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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