Parker's Picks 

Welcome to Parker's Picks (PKPX). On a week when the seafood coming into the Bay Area is exceptional, I will offer my top choice from the market. It may not happen every week; only when the product is amazing. Throughout the year there will be seasonal specialties and one-of-a-kind offerings. Think crawdads for Mardi Gras, etc. Oysters are available most every week. All in keeping with safety and distancing protocols. 

Typically, your order will need to be placed by Tuesday night for collection on Saturday at a central location. Right now, the collection point is in Westside Santa Cruz and usually a favorite winery. I hope to have a location soon in Los Gatos to provide local access. 

There is a dawn patrol delivery to your cooler available on Fridays. This is available along the peninsula from SF to San Jose. It is on my way home from the docks in SF. This way you can wake up to great seafood at your front door. Think Santa, only more consistent. I will also have a pick-up location on Saturdays. This may be different each week and will be my approach until we can congregate once again. Watch closely as logistics and location will vary by week. 

Sign up here for updates and access to incredible seafood. Please note the website is not yet designed. I am starting with just the simple mail list and will build from there. Each week my offering will include an order form and/or logistics for that week. You will receive confirmation of your order. If you have an questions, you may always all me @ 831.252.1300. 


Parker's Picks

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