Brain circuitry
In this newsletter we have week 2 of the series around neural plasticity, the importance of activating your brain, BE's hive with Luca, and ... our special offer to keep your brain activated

Feedback loop - week 2

Last week I started a series about neuroplasticity and the importance of activating your brain. Neuroplasticity is the ability of your brain, to rewire itself, find new pathways. We think we walk with our legs, but in fact, the brain motors the legs to move. When a pathway is interrupted by a lesion of nerve damage for example, the brain will try to find other pathways, but  it needs to be activated to work. 

It is crucially important to activate your brain, because it is the motor to our body. It wants to work, we just need to activate it. 

When we start to walk, our brain sends an intention to our legs, that then gets translated through nerves to muscles, which then makes the leg move. The brain finds pathways to communicate with the legs.
Step 1: The brain to the leg direction. But more importantly, when the brain gets information from the legs moving, it gets activated.
Step 2: Legs to the brain. This information completes the feedback loop and is essential for the brain to move. 

Through years of listening and witnessing Alinker users, we have learned to understand that using the Alinker, activates the brain. People with MS who use an Alinker often talk about being tired, but feeling energized. 

When we do not use our legs, the brain does not get activated to find new pathways. Even if we cannot use our legs, finding ways to move them can have benefits. Sergio for example was paralyzed but used the Alinker to get his legs to move and because he moved his legs, his brain got information on how to be engaged again and relearn to walk. VIDEO

On an Alinker, pressure gets exerted on your sitbones, while your pelvis is tilted back a bit, opening your spine. As your legs make the movement of walking, your brain gets the information and can try to find new pathways to motor the legs again. 

The Alinker is unique because you can move your legs as your weight is supported by the seat, you are stabilized in your core, as you walk. You might not yet be able to walk, but using a treadmill with an Alinker on it, helps to move your legs and can activate the brain to get engaged with relearning to walk. 

Activating your brain also allows your brain to navigate moods, pain and emotions.  The Alinker Academy has more than 20 hours online yoga, dance, strength, strengthen and range of motion classes you can do in your living room. With a purchase you get a FREE 6 month membership.

The most important thing you might do in your whole day #activateyourbrain

BE's hive

Disaster or reminder
Last week Ollie and Luca went running with the XS and they got off a curb, at speed. The XS tumbled and Luca rolled off. Luca was fine, but the steering did not function anymore. I took the XS apart here in Toronto, made a video of the whole process so Prue could replicate it in Melbourne in order to get the steering mechanism to function again. The XS that Luca has, is still a prototype and we noticed that a screw was missing inside the mechanism!! Prue got a new screw and was able to fix it. Now it is better than before! Note to manufacturer for quality control: put all the screws in place before assembling the steering 🙂

The past days Prue said, have been a reminder of what life was before the Alinker, an awareness about how much Luca depends on the XS for all he can do in his life now.

I am just so glad that we were able to fix this from different sides of the planet.

ORDER HERE and keep activating your brain
You get a special deal! 
FREE shipping (only for the USA and Canada),
FREE 6-month membership to the Alinker Academy until the end of the year with your Alinker

Do you know we offer Rent to own at 0% ?? where do you get that? 
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- Selma Blair
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