Looking Back on 2020
This has been a tough year for many of us. COVID-19 has affected all of us in unforeseen ways. Work-wise, many of us here at ODI have had to adjust to working from home with spouses, kids, pets, and competing priorities. Conducting education research has been especially tricky as we’ve tried to adapt to ever-changing school situations.
But adapt we did! In our Streams of Data project, through both online and in-person activities (depending on the week, it seemed like!), we were able to observe 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders grapple with authentic stream and rainfall data. And our Building Students' Data Literacy through the Co-design of Curriculum by Mathematics and Art Teachers project was able to work with teachers, despite the pandemic, to co-design arts-integrated data literacy units that they will pilot in 2021.