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Dear  <<First Name>>,

Thank you so much for supporting AMURT in the past.

Today I wanted to invite you to join me in supporting AMURT Nigeria in saving lives in the poorest state of Southern Nigeria. I am personally part of AMURT here in the UK, and we have a very experienced local AMURT team in Nigeria that really inspires me.  

Dada Tor Bjoernsen, the Director, and his team, have been working tirelessly for the last 10 years to bring affordable and accessible healthcare to rural remote communities in Ebonyi State. To date 19,000 babies have been born in AMURT assisted Health Centres.

I am directly in communication with Dada, and they urgently need our help. Despite keeping health care costs low for patients there are still families who cannot afford to pay for emergency obstetric care and care for their new babies and children. Care which is often lifesaving. Please donate generously to ensure every life counts irrespective of financial means.

Your donation can save a life. On top of this a generous donor has agreed to match any donation you give which means for every $1 you give it will be equivalent to $2, doubling your impact.

I have helped the team in setting up a crowdfunder which is here:

You will see some case studies of the patients whose lives have either been saved or hugely transformed. Please also help me get this to as many people as possible by sharing it widely on your networks. 

Thank you so much!

Supriya Horn

AMURT UK Fundraising Manager

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