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Walter Rakowich
Do you know what's growing in the shadows?

All leaders like to enjoy success, both for themselves and for their organizations. We work hard for whatever we define as victory, and there’s something special about reaching our goals and riding the waves of good fortune.

There’s often a downside to success, however, and many leaders have been experiencing the fallout from it over the last several months.

If we’re not diligent, success creates leadership blind spots to the problems that lurk beneath the surfaces of our organizations. At the first sign of trouble, those problems bubble up and become significant issues that often catch leaders by surprise. Worse, many leaders deny that there really are internal problems. They see their success as proof that they have been doing everything right. Any new problems must be the result of outside forces, not internal dysfunction.

They're often wrong.


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REIT corporate boards have seen their oversight and stewardship duties intensify this year as companies across all sectors have adjusted to a new operating normal. And that applies for most industries. Read at Nareit.
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