This EPALE article includes links to videos and self-assessment tests with which you can learn more about the key competence "Digital and technology-based competences", which is becoming increasingly important today.
In concrete terms, this blog is about:
• Living and working in a changing world
• Digital competence and social inclusion (Video: Interview with Maria Ranieri)
• Digital competence for employability
• Suggestions for trainers
Finally, you can evaluate your own competences with an online test.
Source and photo: EPALE
Learning to become with the world: Education for future survival
UNESCO's Education Research and Foresight (ERF) Working Papers propose critical policy analysis and think pieces on global education. The papers provide conceptual clarifications and insights into education, learning and knowledge in an increasingly complex world characterized by a blurring of boundaries between global and local and between public and private. The series is designed for education policy analysts, researchers, advocates and practitioners.
Source: UNESCO