
I hear it might snow tonight. My heart is full of hope for I love the hush and the magic of snowfall. I adore the rush of the saucer down grandma's hill, the sun sparkling and glittering as snowshoes crunch and cheeks grow pink and ready for the warmth of home and hearth. I enjoy this season of stillness, inner work and small projects of love.

My heart is also full of tenderness for those who are cold and hungry and unable to feel kindly toward this season. While I feel the strain of finances, uncertainty and worry about illness, I know that I am fortunate and my gratitude abounds. I hope that you, too, are feeling blessed and held by those who honor you and all that you have to offer. May each of us take time to reflect on what we might share with friends or strangers who are in need...

It has been a long time since last I wrote to all of you. Every time I felt ready to share my 'new plan' things would shift a little and the questions would begin to rise up or my energy would be redirected. I apologize for the lack of communication and hope that you might understand how much I miss my work and time with each of you. I miss the connectivity, calm-quiet, routine, conversation and the small discoveries we make, together.

In late summer, I let go of my office space and turned my attention towards renovating a room at home for massage. Shortly after, we learned that my father needed to schedule open heart surgery and all attention turned towards support and care throughout the hospital stay and recovery at home. He is doing well! 

My oldest has been struggling with learning online although there appears to have been a shift this semester. Fingers crossed. My youngest has mostly been at Kazoo School where they spend the majority of their learning time outside. However, he has spent numerous weeks at home with mild symptoms that could be considered covid related. Not quite enough to warrant a test but enough to keep him and his momma home. There has been so much to think about and base kind, patient and considerate decisions upon.

I look forward to the time when it becomes clear that I am able to offer a safe, welcoming and comfortable space for you to join me for both massage and yoga. If you are interested in connecting virtually, you might find an offering below that interests you or that you might want to share with a friend.

We are still in this together. I hold you in my heart and will be requesting blessings and stardust, gentle rest and healing, insights and possibilities, clarity and love, love, love to greet you easily and consistently in the unfolding of this new year.


You, Tending, Your Heart, Presence.
 With friends.

Four Weeks in January.
Thursdays, 7-9 pm
$100 - zoom.

Nourishment is rising from a deep desire to invite both togetherness and presence into our lives. It is a call to our whole selves, to tend to our needs with devotion, fill our eyes with wonder and our hearts with the joy of listening and sharing. This series welcomes the new year with attention and invites each of us to create nourishing rituals that soothe, fill, inspire and support our unique, beautiful expression of aliveness.

The recipe is as follows: Come meet with me and a small group of like-minded friends on Thursday evenings via zoom. We will take some time to quiet together, sit with a question around self-care, share with each other about how we are tending our health and heart each week and complete with a guided inner exploration that will point us toward rest and recovery. We might explore a suggested practice each week or follow our own inner request.

This class will be limited to six or eight friends and registration is required.

Please email to Register
Individual Virtual Sessions
$70 per hour. Zoom.

Meeting one on one is another way you might choose to deepen into a practice of self-care. There are so many things we might explore together. We could look into specific questions about yoga postures or create a short movement flow that supports you and your body during this time away from the massage table. It doesn't need to be 'yoga' in the way the west most often thinks about this ancient practice. A self-care practice might look like keeping a journal, meditating, walking outside and playing with a few stretches each morning. We might talk about what is bothering you or what you are longing for and then explore ways we might soothe the body-mind and create spaciousness, presence and the possibility to receive joy.

Wild Honey Yoga

the steady essentials
for fluidity, strength and wonder

Tuesdays 9:30-11:00 am
Wednesdays 6:30-7:45 pm
$12 per class (if you are able)
on-going - zoom

Wild Honey Class Connection
Alight... Massage and Bodywork

for now, the pause continues
yet time is ticking towards our next meeting
my hands are ready and willing
to receive you in your tenderness
with grace and breath
and an eagerness to listen
to your stories

in a new space
within the embrace of my home life
we are preparing the way
for covid routines
for one or two clients per day
when my family is well and you are well
and our community is well
until then, my friends
until then
I know a cure for sadness:
Let your hands touch something that
makes your eyes

I've updated my website to reflect the new offerings. There is a new page titled 'Into Being' that was created to support a grant request I submitted a few weeks ago. You might enjoy listening to a yoga lecture or taking the yoga class posted here while it is available.
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