Tonight's talk
This evening, David's talk will be streaming live from 7.30pm, here.

Did you catch his talk last week? He shared with us some top tips for keeping our voice in good shape while we're not able to meet in person:
  • Sing regularly - ideally every day, even if for just 5 or 10 minutes.
  • Keep thinking about the breath - make sure that you are supporting the sound from the muscles of the abdomen - they provide the energy.
  • The tongue is key to the purity of the vowel sound. Keep the tip of the tongue out of the way as much as possible. Practise moving between vowel sounds, altering the shape at the back of the mouth
  • Start in the middle of the voice and work downwards first before exercising the top register.
  • Try to keep the larynx as low as you can as you travel up the scale - relax the muscles around the larynx and use more breath.
  • Practise singing long, sustained notes - keep the flow of breath even and try to maintain the quality of sound as you keep the note going for the whole breath. At the end of the note, check that you have kept in tune.
  • Listen to singers you particualrly admire and try emulating their sound.
  • Sing along to a good recording (or backing track) of the piece you are working on. Use earphones, if you have them, so that you are concentrating more on the choir you are singing along with than on your own voice.
In-person rehearsals
Turner Sims have confirmed that we will be permitted to resume in-person rehearsals from 7 December. The committee is due to meet (online) tomorrow evening and will decide whether there is any reason to review the position we took in October. More anon!


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