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After the implementation of the teachers’ curriculum and their subsequent training, shared teaching and extended learning environment are now reality.
The classes have already been "matched" to form transnational working groups: the pupils of Italian schools will work from remote with their Spanish counterparts, the pupils of Cyprus will dialogue with Greece, the Croatian pupils with their Greek peers. In groups of two or three, the classes will carry out the SeedsQuests, webquests on a selection of four topics on environment:
TOPIC 1. Nature and biodiversity: protecting the ecosystem
TOPIC 2. Forest heritage and its economic, social and environmental value
TOPIC 3. Coastal heritage as a socio-economic and cultural resource
TOPIC 4. A sea without plastic
Here a photo from CEIP Plurilingüe Espiñeira (Spain) where the objective and tasks have been presented. Pupils and teachers are enthusiastic and excited! They want to meet and work with their European colleagues to share this experience.
See you in this environmental and learning adventure!

eTwinning 4 GREEN S.E.E.D.S.

GREEN S.E.E.D.S. has been on eTwinning since last January. It is important, when developing a Project, that the collaboration with eTwinning takes place at an early stage:

1. the eTwinning platform can provide a virtual place where all Partners can discuss activity planning in a more interactive way;
2. the platform can be used both as a way to share digital material (documents, sitographies, videos, applications and so on) for teachers in training in IO1 and school twinning in IO2;
3. teachers who will be involved in Green SEEDS IO2 will learn how to use eTwinning by performing some tasks on the platform;
4. eTwinning is a mine of ideas for activities based on the environment and EU citizenship.


The desire to share their daily work in the small reality of multi-class, carried out with passion, commitment and continuous research, has inspired Monica Furlani, Maria Angela Masotti, Nicolò Vedovi, three teachers from IC Bosco Chiesanuova (VR): they wrote for GREEN S.E.E.D.S. “A school without classrooms” an additional and complementary content to the "Toolkit GREEN S.E.D.S.". With this work, they want to put their experience and competence at the project disposal, deepening one of the crucial themes of teaching in small schools.
The paper is organized in four parts. In the first part the relationship between the small school and its context is described. The next section tries to provide some clarifying elements about living in a multi-class school. In the third part there are some theoretical notes that want to underline not only the didactic but also the social and pedagogical validity of the mixed class. The last paragraph tells about a school day, suggesting some operational schemes and tools, useful to provide all teachers with a practical vision of how lessons can be organized.
You can find the document here. Download it!


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