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Distance learning during COVID-19

Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday!

As the pandemic rages on, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) continues to lead the way to an equitable and green recovery. This unique, terrible crisis poses hard choices to be made ahead, but also gems of opportunity.

UNDP is not only working to transform the lives of those who, even before the pandemic, were out of school, out of work, offline, and off the grid, but also to take a quantum leap forward.

  • UNDP is working to reform fossil fuel subsidies.

  • UNDP is focusing on the status and role of women, who have suffered job losses, increased violence and a greater burden of unpaid care, by offering temporary basic income that will grant greater freedom, choice and power.

  • UNDP is working to change the course of human development, which has digressed for the first time in 30 years, and we recognize as deeply and irrevocably tied to the health of the Earth.

We’ll need your help to scale our efforts in order to create a safe, equitable and greener world. Your Giving Tuesday donation will support the achievement of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development.

Please, donate on Giving Tuesday. Help us reach 2030 supporters by the end of 2020. Your response makes all the difference.


United Nations Development Programme


United Nations Development Programme
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

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