
Message from Pam Elam,
President of Monumental Women:

Dear Friends,

It's not often that you have the chance to be part of something truly historic. Monumental Women is proud that our all-volunteer, not-for-profit group has broken the bronze ceiling in New York City's Central Park.  THANK YOU to everyone who helped, in any way, to make this "monumental" achievement possible.  As you know, on August 26, 2020 (the Centennial Anniversary of the ratification and certification of the 19th "Votes For Women" Amendment to the Constitution) our Women's Rights Pioneers Monument honoring Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton was unveiled as the first statue of real women in Central Park's 167-year history.  The 42-million people who visit Central Park each year already see statues of Alice in Wonderland, Mother Goose, and Juliet (with Romeo of course) as well as statues of nymphs and angels.  Now Central Park visitors can see some REAL Monumental Women.

I am especially pleased to report that the Women's Rights Pioneers Monument on Literary Walk has already become an important, must-see, location.  People send us selfies with their friends and families at the Monument.  They explain to their children what the monument means.  Thousands of people have accessed our APP "Talking Statues" to hear the words of Truth, Anthony, and Stanton while they view the images of those women. Recently, it has become a site where people have left banners, photos, and flowers in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as well as pleas urging women to vote.

In 2021, we will continue to move history forward to create a full and fair historical record that includes the vast and varied contributions of women and people of color.  That long-awaited, accurate historical record will offer a departure point in our search for social change. We re-think the past to re-shape the future.  Through the "gift" of Women's History, we discover an historical treasure chest, overflowing with the stories of women who serve to inspire and energize us.  We learn of their strategies and tactics in the battle for equality.  We learn of their courage and their imperfections.  We look at the totality of their lives.  We build on their work.  We honor their memories.  We vow to complete their journeys.  One statue in one park can light a fuse that sparks the imagination and ambition of a child who sees herself in that statue.  That one statue can start a chain reaction leading to an explosion of knowledge and possibilities.  Monumental Women was proud to light that fuse on August 26th in Central Park.

In whatever ways we can honor the valiant women who came before us and bring their stories to light - let's do it.  It doesn't have to be a statue or an historic house, although that would be great.  How about a street sign, a garden, a plaque at a site where she made history or any number of other tributes to her courage and spirit?  Who knows how many people will walk by that tribute and be inspired by that woman? Who knows how many little girls and little boys will gain a new role model?  Who knows how many of us will see that tribute and feel a surge of energy and activism?  At Monumental Women, we are presently working on raising funds to create a NYC Women's Rights History Trail through all five boroughs.   We're trying to raise funds to donate books on Women's History to every public school library in New York City and to develop a Toolkit for Communities wishing to honor the diverse women who made this nation great.  And yes, if we can raise enough money, we will build more monuments honoring women.  We invite you to join us.  Please donate whatever you can to support our continuing work.

At Monumental Women, we are proud that our Women's Rights Pioneers Monument makes a lasting statement to all future visitors in Central Park, a message written in stone and shaped in bronze that equality applies to everyone and history includes all of us.  Thank you for working in your communities to honor the diverse women who came before us and to challenge your municipalities to re-imagine their public spaces.  Have a safe and joyous Holiday Season and Onward to 2021!

Happy Holidays,
Your Tax-Deductible Donations Make the Work of Monumental Women Possible.  Thank You!

Highlights of 2020 Monumental Women Projects

Plans for 2021 Monumental Women Projects

  • NYC Women's Rights History Trail through all five boroughs, bringing women activists' stories to light.
  • Challenge to Municipalities – We are providing inspiration, information and expertise to volunteer, community-based movements like ours around the country to encourage them to work toward the gender and racial diversity of public statuary and public spaces.  We wish to develop and distribute a Toolkit that includes helpful information for organizing such an effort.
  • Additional efforts to provide Women's History speakers to groups and to sponsor events, panels and forums.
  • Donate books on Women's History to every public school library in New York City.
Join the ongoing conversation on social media:
© 2020 Monumental Women/The Statue Fund

Monumental Women® is a registered trademark. Monumental Women is a corporate alias of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Statue Fund Inc., which is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible.

Monumental Women/The State Fund
Post Office Box 150-074, Van Brunt Station, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: 347.224.8976

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