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Expressway News

December 21, 2020


As we wind down the final weeks of 2020, the Mobility Authority is taking the opportunity to reflect. This year marks the Mobility Authority’s 18th year in existence. During this short time, in cooperation with our partners and the community, we have implemented more than $2 billion worth of roadway projects that have contributed significantly to the economic vitality of, and quality of life in Central Texas.

While 2020 brought many hardships and challenges, it also brought some welcome progress. We’re proud of the strides we made, working diligently to lead and improve mobility throughout our region. We’re bringing new and innovative mobility solutions to Central Texas – laying the foundation for a bright future in 2021.

2020 highlights include:
  • The 45SW Toll Road received seven industry awards, bringing the total number of awards received to date to ten. This is a testament to the high standard of quality that guided the development of this innovative project.
  • The Mobility Authority awarded two contracts allowing for early adoption of advanced technology, including an innovative transportation reporting & incident management system, and a next generation connected vehicle toll payment system.
  • The Mobility Authority opened the first, south-to-west flyover bridge on the 290/130 Flyovers Project, eight months ahead of schedule.
  • The Mobility Authority opened the second, north-to-west flyover bridge on the 290/130 Flyovers Project, five months ahead of schedule.
  • Significant progress was made on roadway construction and development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities on Phase II of the 183 South Project.
  • The Mobility Authority awarded the design-bid-build contract for the 183A Phase III Project, clearing the way for construction of the northern extension of 183A to begin next year. 
  • The 183 North Mobility Project is in the final stages of procurement, and a design-build contract could be awarded as soon as 2021 to improve a congested 9-mile segment of US 183 in North Austin. 
  • Our MoveFWD program was awarded the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 2020 Transportation Education Council Innovation in Education Award. This unique career-building program was expanded in 2020 to provide commercial drivers license training.
  • The Mobility Authority refunded $279 million of outstanding bonds, creating $46.3 million of cash flow savings, or an average of approximately $1.9 million through 2045. This improves the Mobility Authority’s long-term financial position and provides more available funds for the Central Texas region’s mobility improvement efforts.
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!


November marked the two-year anniversary of our Qualified Veteran Discount Program. Under Texas law, toll authorities are allowed to offer discounted or waived tolls for certain classes of veterans—disabled veterans, Purple Heart recipients, and Legion of Valor or Medal of Honor recipients.

The board members and staff of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority honor and appreciate the service of the men and women of our military forces, past and present. Though the Mobility Authority relies on toll revenue to deliver mobility solutions for Central Texas, we’re pleased to continue offering this program to qualified veterans who have served our country.
And we’re pleased to see so many veterans taking advantage of this benefit. As of October 31, there are 7,212 active program participants.

The program allows qualified veterans with an electronic toll tag to drive toll-free on 183A Toll, 290 Toll, the 71 Toll Lane, 45SW Toll, and 183 Toll.
Program participation is limited to one (1) vehicle per veteran, or for those who qualify for a hardship exemption, the limit is two (2) vehicles per veteran. Veterans must meet eligibility requirements and register for the program in advance. 

Qualified veterans that wish to participate are required to register with the Mobility Authority in advance of using the toll roads via the online portal. Once registered, qualified veterans will receive a confirmation email within 15 business days, confirming program enrollment and completing the registration process.

Veterans should note that toll charges incurred on the MoPac Express Lane will not be waived under this program, as the variable toll pricing model is key to congestion management, and operation of the lane would otherwise break down.

More information can be found on our website or in the video below.


Yes, you can believe your eyes. While COVID-19 brought roadway traffic down for much of 2020, Central Texans are closing out this year behind the wheel. Last month, traffic levels on 290 Toll and 71 Toll rebounded to just under pre-pandemic levels seen in January and February of this year. While on 45SW Toll and 183 Toll, traffic levels exceeded pre-pandemic levels. As roadway traffic is anticipated to continue increasing through the end of the year, we’ll continue to monitor regional mobility needs and long-term impacts of the pandemic.
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