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Dear friends,

In August 2019, at the approach of the Hurricane Dorian, the mayor of a US town released a statement for the community, that started as following: “As we continue to watch Dorian as it potentially moves toward the Carolinas and Georgia, I encourage all residents to be ready for any potential impact. As you likely already know, the time to prepare for a hurricane is not when a hurricane is at your doorstep. But if you don’t already have a plan in place, now is the time to get started...

In a sudden crisis, we tend to be quick to take decisive actions. But when it comes to problems that unfold gradually or for which the outlines or outcomes are unclear, engaging in prevention can feel more difficult.

These last months, following the apparition and the spread of the Covid-19 disease, governments and international organizations have taken or encouraged drastic measures to cut the chain of transmission and “flatten the curve” like lockdowns, shutdown or the prescription of hygienic measures and physical distancing.

But very soon in the development of the pandemic, it appeared that some health conditions like chronic diseases or obesity were important risk factors for severe Covid-19 infection. At the same time, studies about the role and the prevention potential of some vitamins and trace elements, have been showing strong evidences. What these and other available scientific information are showing is that the messages on prevention for Covid-19 should not only address hygienic measures, but also and very importantly point to the significance of a healthy lifestyle together with adequate supplementation.

In a Hurricane, prevention and preparedness, do not mean that there will not be any problem at all, but it means that all the measures have been taken to minimize them. So is it with our health.

More information about Covid-19 preparedness in the video entitled SARS-COV-2 ISN’T THE ONLY THREAT TO OUR HEALTH.

Thanks to the Union Health Ministries Directors and translators, this video, that we presented in our last Newsletter is now available in 9 languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Czech, Bulgarian and Rumanian.

Keep healthy and let your friends know!
Kind regards
Valérie Dufour
EUD Health Ministries
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