
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
Toward the end of 2019, TIPTOP countries expanded their C-IPTp implementation to new districts, allowing us to reach more pregnant women with IPTp-SP.  While this journey began smoothly, COVID-19 hit each of our countries and the world with tremendous force. The pandemic immediately reshaped how we could and would support pregnant women.  Adapting to new norms - social distancing, wearing masks, and infection prevention, became the new normal.  However, one thing remained unchanged: continuity of IPTp at facility and community levels.  TIPTOP’s midline research findings show remarkable improvements in IPTp3 uptake in 3 of the 4 TIPTOP countries from baseline studies.  As a learning project, each of these countries provides valuable insight to better understanding the value of community IPTp in varied settings to help increase IPTp3 uptake. With these reflections, I am very optimistic about 2021 and beyond.
Voices from the Field
The Niger State Government extends gratitude to TIPTOP during the COVID pandemic. We are especially grateful for the donation of personal protection equipment to the health facilities and community health agents working in the communities. We are indeed positive that this collaboration will be sustained and we pledge to continue to support the TIPTOP project in the state."
Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Makusidi, Honorable Commissioner for Health, Niger State, Nigeria.
Photo: TIPTOP nurses showcasing their protective equipment; photo credit: Chioma Odeunyi
Increasing opportunities for pregnant women to receive IPTp3+
TIPTOP's community approach to IPTp distribution is contributing to increased IPTp3+ coverage in Phase 1 Districts in DRC, Madagascar, and Nigeria moving these sites closer to WHO's global goal of 80%.  In Mozambique, where they have experienced a cyclone and insecurity, we see a level of decline.
How to have a healthy baby during COVID:
A TIPTOP Story from Nigeria

Step 1: Ensure regular doses of SP through masked CHW or at the health facility
Step 2: Provide ANC nurses with personal protection equipment for safety
Steps 3 & 4: Make regular, safe visits to health facility for comprehensive ANC care
Step 4: Give birth to a healthy baby boy or girl! 
Photo credits 1-5 from top left: #1: Elizabeth Njoku; #2, 3, 5: Bamitale Oladumiye; #4: Winifred Imoyera

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Jean Pierre Rakotovao

Technical Director, Madagascar
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: the project's ability to change the usual service delivery habits to have a direct impact on the beneficiaries in the short term. The involvement of the community and community decision-makers and also the excitement they have shown is really impressive.

Sarah Nsiangani

Data Analyst, DRC
My role on TIPTOP is: to collect, verify and transmit monthly service delivery data at the health facility and community levels; verify the internal consistency and identify possible data entry errors; ensure corrections in the national system and the DHIS2 TIPTOP database; and update data dashboards.

Bartholomew Odio

Malaria Technical Advisor, Nigeria
I realized I wanted to work in global health when: as a clinician I noticed that the bulk of bad cases like severe maternal anemia coming to the hospitals were from the rural communities with poor health facilities. So the thought that working in global health will help me get to those hard to reach communities and influence their health seeking behaviors was my motivation.
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