Notes & News from Dorah Blume, Deborah Bluestein & Juiceboxartists Press & Workshops

Topic: Creative Writing Can Help You in 2021!
Out with the Nuvo Coronavirus, in with the Old familiars . . .
we hope.

Turning the phrase “Out with the old, in with the new!” backwards makes sense as we near 2021.  Twenty-twenty turned our lives upside down with lockdowns, restrictions, remote learning, the disappearance of hugs, social distancing, and massive isolation. We hope for a return back to a life, post vaccine, when going to a movie, a restaurant, a museum, a concert —are a few of the “old” we want back. 

While I waited in line today at the post office to purchase stamps for my New Year’s cards, the woman in front of me spun around, shoved up her hand in an angry back off gesture. Even though I was not bridging the 6’ social distancing divide, her personal radar set off a signal that I was. When inhaling air from strangers, even friends and family, could land us in a body bag, anxiety under a cloud of uncertainty rages.

When life feels so strained, I need to “chillax” — chill out and relax. Streaming episodes one after the other, taking a walk, baking bread, re-organizing the closets for the fourth time, can all help. Distractions. Antidotes to high stress for me are to slow down, watch my breathing, and find some distraction that puts me in a creative space.

This newsletter is dedicated to presenting many aspects of the creative life. This month’s focus is on the benefit of prompted writing, another month’s focus will be about the power of doodling, another about music, another about sewing. So many folks bought sewing machines during these months of confinement. I welcome your stories of how you’ve been coping, what activities calm you, activities that you will hopefully continue to make time for in the coming year.

Creativity Unexpressed Turns to Poison
Creativity is as natural to all people as the capacity to move or speak or think. When that urge is squelched, or discouraged, poison results. That poison erupts as violence toward others when it’s externalized, or toward oneself in the form of disease when internalized.

Whether I’m writing about Botticelli’s struggle in my debut novel Botticelli’s Muse to find his own vision that eschewed religious dictates to paint his most iconic works, or a contemporary short story about a woman abandoning her marriage to find her own path, or a personal essay about claiming independence and creative life after children have left the nest, it’s always about the hunt to unearth that creativity, and to find the courage to express it. 

The best antidote for depression and worry is the immersion into one’s creative nature. Even for a brief period. That’s why I tell myself and my students to start small. Write for 15 minutes a day. Paint 15 minutes a day. Make a place in your home, no matter how small, for a project you’ve been wanting to bring to life your whole life.

Take an action today to honor your creative promptings. You will live a healthier, longer life because of it.

Sunday FREE Free Writes

At juiceboxartists workshops and the Welcome to my Living Room Free free write hour every Sunday, we have been distracting not just writers and artists, but people from all backgrounds and geographies into finding their writer’s voices, or just venting their anger at what’s going on in the world. Escape valves for our stress.

Here’s what some writers say about writing not only as an art form but as a means to make sense out of our world and our place in it.

Joan Didion has defined a writer as "a person whose most absorbed and passionate hours are spent arranging words on pieces of paper. I write entirely to find out what's on my mind, what I’m thinking, what I'm looking at, what I'm seeing and what it means, what I want and what I’m afraid of." She has also said that "all writing is an attempt to find out what matters, to find the pattern in disorder. . . The scene that you see in your mind finds its own structure; the structure dictates the arrangement of the words.... All the writer has to do really is to find the words."

Definition of a Writer from The Longman Dictionary or Poetic Terms

Writer in the words of William Stafford, “not so much someone who has something to say as [he/she is] someone who has found a process that will bring about new things he would not have thought of if he had not started to say them.”

Prompted to Tell of the Month
Prompted to Tell are first draft timed writing done during Juiceboxartists Writing workshops.
Scarlett O'Hara at the Pensione Seguso by Amy Pechukas 
The prompt was to write a piece about something you memorized in your youth.
"The armchairs at the Pensione Seguso ooze dust and mold when you sit on them. Sometimes they squish slightly. They are made of old, brown leather and they smell like the canals that rise and fall outside the iron-grated windows of the sitting room. Every winter the bottom floor of this hotel floods and the armchairs never seem to lose some of that water. Even in the summer, the bottom floor of the Pensione Seguso feels and smells dank and dark like the bottom of a canal." Read more on Medium.
Immigrant Voices Podcast Project
Nicolasa came to this country from the Dominican Republic at the age of 18 in 1987. Her journey to pursue her education was a long, rocky road that started with her earning her GED days before the birth of her third child. She suffered so many interruptions and delays in realizing her dream, but her resilience, determination, and desire carried her to her master’s in education as she brings technology support and services to over 100 immigrant families in Boston. Listen here.
Other Creative Opportunities
Virtual Classes Winter 2021
The Actors Revolution on Zoom

For Working Actors

Tuesdays 7-9PM
January 5 - February 23rd, 2021 (8 weeks)

Leslie Fleming-Mitchell is a working actor and L.A. acting coach; credits include Deputy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, VEEP, House, Criminal Minds, and Waco.
Juiceboxartists online writing sessions start on February 6, 2021 (5 sessions)

*New series can be scheduled upon request. Minimum is four participants. Maximum is six participants.
Copyright © *JuiceBoxArtists Press*, All rights reserved.

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