Pregnant and you have to pee!
It may not be the worst part of the pandemic, but if you work on the road and you have to pee, what do you do?
Can you have a holiday without plastic?
It keeps things pretty, but plastic is killing the Earth. What can you do about it?
Patient to Hygienist
Daniel Uriostegui was so impressed with the way the low-income dentistry group, Dientes, helped him, he was inspired to get a degree and now he works for them!
DEC 21- JAN 3
Boardwalk Drive in Movie

The Boardwalk Drive-in Movies Continue Dec. 21-Jan. 3 featuring Home Alone, The Grinch and A Christmas Story.
SAT | DEC | 12
Gingerbread House Day

Whether you’re a cookie building expert or your baked house falls apart as soon as you get the third wall glued on with icing, we can all agree the best part of building a gingerbread house is eating the sweet treat when we‘re done!
SUN | DEC | 13
National Cocoa Day

December 13th ushers in a celebration worthy of the winter holidays with National Cocoa Day. It’s the perfect way to warm up after a cold day outside. 
MON | DEC |  14
Member Meet Up: Tide Pool Walk

Members of the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History are invited to join us for a guided exploration of tide pools! Space is limited. Register for more information.
TUES | DEC | 15
National Wear Your Pearls Day
National Wear Your Pearls Day on December 15th reminds us that when life throws dirt our way, we all have value in the end
WED | DEC | 16
National Chocolate-covered Anything Day
Chocolate lovers rejoice on National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! December 16th offers the chocolate day you’ve been waiting for. On this day, dip and drizzle your favorite foods in every kind of chocolate imaginable.
THURS | DEC | 16
Wright Brothers Day
The US Code directs that Wright Brothers Day commemorates the first successful flights in a heavier than air, mechanically propelled airplane, made by Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
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