

There are plenty of positives when it comes to doing ministry during a Covid-19 year.  Due to rotating work schedules on base, Airmen have additional free time to talk, pray, and study scripture. The uncertainty of a global pandemic causes many to reflect on their future and even the afterlife, resulting in numerous meaningful discussions on spiritual things.  So yes, there are positives. One positive we were not counting on was a positive Covid test.

Both Erin & I have tested Positive for Covid 19. Thankfully, Audrey has no symptoms. As expected, we have completely closed down our ministry for quarantine. This will literally be the first time in 5 1/2 years we have not held a STRIDE FRIDAY!  Several of our Airmen have already had Covid 19 over the last 6 months, and some, like us, are experiencing it now. Many ask "who gave you Covid?", but with there being a huge outbreak on Hill AFB, Erin working as a Nurse in a hospital with Covid patients, and Audrey handling the groceries of multiple families at her part time job, our answer can only be, "who knows?"

Quarantine boredom is a thing, as many of you know. That said, we have received an unusual amount of entertainment by going to the kitchen, covering our eyes, and holding various scents under one another's  noses. Things that we absolutely cannot smell include: bleach, vinegar, cinnamon, curry, hot sauce, and garlic. (Text me if you want a fun video of this discovery). Both Erin & I have cold-like symptoms. I am especially feeling very fatigued. Since I have autoimmune disease I am most at risk, not to mention the fact that I turned 53 just weeks ago. We are in the early stages of this, so please pray that we and our Airmen make full recoveries! I also recognize that many of you have experienced Covid as well and we lift you up in prayer and fully trust the Lord with our health and well being.

Thank you for your prayer and financial investment in our military ministry. This Fall has been a rich season of ministry, and here is a summary of some of our events: 
  • Several Car Care Repair days in our garage & driveway. 
  • 8 week teaching series on God's Guard Rails for our lives
  • Many Airmen completed a '100 Days of Reading God's Word' devotional
  • Blessed with a new financial donor to help with ministry expenses!
  • Outdoor Ministry with Guns & Fun! 
  • Dan officiated another Corona Wedding this year for Hunter & Annabelle. Please pray for this young couple!

Hunter and Annabelle's outdoor mountain wedding! 

Go Packers!

50 Cal. black powder pistol my Dad made. It's fun to shoot but scary! 

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