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Obscure Emotion

"When you realize your perception of reality is limited by the lens in which you look"

This week's prompt:

Have you ever felt that you aren’t really seeing the “full picture” of your life? 

I will only ever see the world through the lens that I'm wearing.

Does this mean I never quite see the “full picture” in my life? 

As long as I’m wearing the same lens of my ego, I will see the world tinted through the lens of my ego. 
Through the lens of my story. Of my emotions. Of my biases. The list goes on.

So now I have to ask: can I take off these lenses? Can I wear another lens?
How do I step into a more complete perception?


I want to share a little meditation with you. One that I discovered last week and has really changed the way I think of relationships.

First, close your eyes and focus on your breath. 
Then bring to mind the image of someone.
Someone you might not like. Someone you have a difficult relationship with.
Someone you just don’t understand.

They could have different political views, religious or social views,
or maybe you have a difficult history.


Remind yourself of the following:
This person has a body and a mind, just like me.
This person has felt unworthy or inadequate, just like me.
This person worries and is frightened sometimes, just like me.
This person will die, just like me.
This person has longed for friendship, just like me.
This person is learning about life, just like me.
This person wishes to be free from pain and suffering, just like me.
This person wishes to be safe and healthy, just like me.
This person wishes to be loved, just like me.

Now, take a moment to wish well for this person.
To wish them strength, support and peace.


…I found this mediation so powerful. It immediately humanizes someone else. It immediately created empathy. This is how I can also remove my lenses and see the world with a wider perception: by hearing someone else’s story.

By stepping into someone else’s world.
By living with more empathy.
By taking myself out of the center.

When we make an effort to live with more empathy and compassion, we will see how our limited perception begins to expand and grow. 

Holiday Sale: 20% off my card deck!

Take advantage of the holiday sale and take 20% off my Obscure Emotions Card Deck!
If you are in the USA, you can order now and still most likely get your package by Christmas.
Purchase Cards

 2021 Calendar – on sale for $10!

Calendars on sale for $10

I'm launching my 6-week "Draw Your Feelings" course again!

Last week I wrapped up my first 6 week course...and I'm so enlivened by it, I already plan to do it again soon! I'll be sending more details but you can e-mail me if you are interested and would like to "reserve your spot" before it sells out.

January 10 - February 14. Sunday sessions are 2 hours long, 11am - 1pm ET.

I'll be sharing more information this week so please stay tuned! 
Book and Podcast Recommendation:
You might be hearing a lot more about Valerie Kaur from me. I've been familiar with her activism and work for the last few years, but it wasn't until I dived into her book that I become completely awestruck. I've been listening to her audiobook of "See No Stranger" and I'm just amazed, inspired and moved to tears. So highly recommend!

Also: I was featured in the Love Intently podcast! Check it out if you're interested :)
This week I had a conversation...
With my friend and absolute talent, Jahnavi Harrison. We went live on Instagram for over an hour and had the most creatively uplifting interview/conversation. You can watch it here. ❤️
Video Feature: Animated Poetry of Rumi

"The World" by Rumi, A Poetry Film by Ella Dobson

This Week's Quote:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”  – C. S. Lewis

I often shrink my experience of reality when I'm only focusing on myself. Here are a few ways I try to step out of the center of my circle and perceive a larger reality. 💝
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Happy Sunday and thank you for subscribing to my small newsletter for big feelings.
Each of these weekly notes I send you are inspired by my project and book, 100 Obscure Emotions.

Copyright © 2020 Dear Ruksi, All rights reserved.

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