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BeJS Newsletter#44

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Hello BeJS community, we hope everyone is fine and staying safe :)

On the 16th of December, we will have a senior developer advocate for AWS Amplify on stage… Save the date! We hope to see you there!

The Operating System of You ( By @swyx)

Developers are mostly humans that run the same "hardware". Therefore most performance differences, especially the ones we can control, are down to our "OS" - our conscious prioritization and processing - and "firmware" - our unconscious personality and reactions. What can we do to better take care of our "hardware", and what does running better "software" look like?
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React Native Animation Guide

In this guide you will learn about the basic principles of React Native animation. If you are a complete beginner, you can get ready to play with animations quickly by having minimal but most important information by going through section 1. But if you want to learn more, then feel free to proceed to section 2. After completing the first section, you will be able to work with animations.

Vue vs. Svelte with Evan You and Rich Harris

Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, and Rich Harris, Graphics Editor at The New York Times and creator of Svelte and Rollup, join hosts Ken Wheeler and Jared Palmer on The Undefined to talk about the future of frontend development.

Puppeteer vs Selenium vs Playwright, a speed comparison

Spoiler: There are differences in microbenchmarks but in real world scenarios it’s basically a wash. Use whichever suits your use case.

Understand JavaScript Reduce With 5 Examples

The reduce() function is a common cause of confusion, but it can also make your code much more readable when combined with other functional programming abstractions.

Next.js: Should I use SSR or SSG?

If you use Next.js, chances are you’re aware that it can do both server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). It’s very powerful! But why would you choose one or the other?

Why you should code together: Mob Programming FAQs

On the Developer Experience team at Netlify, they love mob programming.

React is slow, what now?

In general computer programs can be:

  • io-bound: spend most of their time making inputs and outputs
  • cpu-bound: spend most of their time making calculations

And how do these translate into Front End apps and in particular React apps?

The Rules of Margin Collapse

In CSS, adjacent margins can sometimes overlap. This is known as “margin collapse”, and it has a reputation for being quite dastardly.

Modern React testing, part 4: Cypress and Cypress Testing Library

Cypress is a framework-agnostic end-to-end testing (also known as E2E, or integration testing) tool for web apps. Together with Cypress Testing Library and Mock Service Worker, it gives the best test writing experience and makes writing good, resilient to changes, tests straightforward.

How to handle request validation in your Express API

Let’s be real, adding request validation to your Express based API isn’t particularly exciting, but you know that it is an important foundational part of building an API, so you sit down to figure out what you’re going to do...

What is React Fast Refresh?

Chances are if you’ve looked at the latest React updates or Next.js v10, you’ve seen the term “Fast Refresh” thrown around. This is a new feature that doesn’t affect your users as much, but it makes your developer experience much better.

10 Tips for Structuring a React Native Project

When starting a new project, there are plenty of choices to be made around code style, language, folder layout, and more. Consistency is the key for creating clean, maintainable codebases. Therefore once decided, you'd usually need to stick with these choices for a while.

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