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Dear BMC,

Winter is coming.  In this issue of the Health & Wellness Newsletter, we offer you tips for cultivating your winter wellness and restoration.  What we've been able to accomplish as a BMC community this fall is quite remarkable AND we have much work yet to be done.  So on the eve of winter break, I encourage you to find time over the next few weeks for rest.  Making time to connect and slow down is a pathway to our deepest selves.  See you in 2021. 

Be well,
Reggie Jones
Associate Dean of Health & Wellness
In This Issue:
  • MySSP is live! For tips on how to use this free service, here is a brief tutorial video. For those outside the U.S. and Canada, here is information on avoiding international dialing fees while using MySSP abroad. Information about use abroad can also be found in the app.
  • Visit the counseling resources website for more information on connecting to support during winter break.
  • Check out the following flow chart for more information about accessing services when we return:
Winter Wellness

Staying mentally well during this unique holiday season may include exploring:

  • Compassion fatigue and self-compassion 

  • Expectations and structure 

  • Mindfulness 

  • Stress Resilience 

  • Boundaries 

Learn more here: Compassion & Resilience Toolkit: Creating Light in the Dark Winter 

Balance is important! What is on your self-care wheel? Check in with your needs by doing a self-care assessment.
The Sounds of Nature as Music Therapy

Even if you can’t get outside during the break, you may be able to enjoy the sounds of nature as part of end-of-semester recuperation. Recent research suggests that listening to natural sounds may slow down the body’s fight/flight/freeze response and promote rest, especially when one is already in a state of stress. In this article, the New York Times shares the music of Stuart Hyatt, who, as Fieldworks has used the pitch-altered songs of bats in his latest album. You can listen here on Spotify.

The use of natural sounds in music is called Biomusic and has a long history. Follow this link to see and hear some examples. Of course, any of us can hear the music of nature by simply opening a window, taking a walk, or browsing for videos of wildlife. Check out these wildlife webcams for some vicarious nature viewing. Following the sounds of the moment can be a great way to slow down in times of stress. (Warning: keep sound low; multiple videos load with sound!) 

The 20-20-20 Method to Fight Eye Strain and Zoom Fatigue
  1. After 20 minutes looking at (any) screen... 

  1. Spend 20 seconds looking at... 

  1. Something 20 feet away... 

Mindful Drawing is back! See the September Issue for the first installment.   


  1. Check out the BMCHere2Listen mindful listening playlist.  

  1. Pick a tune and draw whatever comes to mind for the duration (or as many times through as you need). 

  1. Share your drawing and be entered in our next quiz. Send submissions via email: make sure to share the title of the song you chose.

Which tune inspired which drawing? Answers at the end of the newsletter.
Being still and staring into space are not only restful responses to zoom fatigue but may in fact spark newfound creativity. As we daydream, our brains make unconscious connections between all that we have taken in. It is these connections that lead to the “a-ha” moments and inspirations that allow us to tackle new challenges and explore new ideas. Focus and attention are helpful in their place, and so is the art of staring into space... 
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