Even if you can’t get outside during the break, you may be able to enjoy the sounds of nature as part of end-of-semester recuperation. Recent research suggests that listening to natural sounds may slow down the body’s fight/flight/freeze response and promote rest, especially when one is already in a state of stress. In this article, the New York Times shares the music of Stuart Hyatt, who, as Fieldworks has used the pitch-altered songs of bats in his latest album. You can listen here on Spotify.
The use of natural sounds in music is called Biomusic and has a long history. Follow this link to see and hear some examples. Of course, any of us can hear the music of nature by simply opening a window, taking a walk, or browsing for videos of wildlife. Check out these wildlife webcams for some vicarious nature viewing. Following the sounds of the moment can be a great way to slow down in times of stress. (Warning: keep sound low; multiple videos load with sound!)