Regional Sport Victoria (RSV) is the peak body which supports nine Regional Sports Assemblies (RSA) across Victoria. RSA's are independent organisations and are charged with the critical role of supporting the sport and recreation sector within their regional catchment. While these organisations are not disability specific, inclusion is a large part of their work.
The RSV cluster is the only state-wide government agency in Victoria that supports locally based community sport and recreation. This support involves the provision of training, information, advice, skill development, linkages and advocacy with and for clubs, organisations, and communities.
So, this month, let's learn all about Regional Sport Victoria!
Love Sport? Let's learn about... Regional Sports Victoria
Read below to learn about some of the great initiatives from the RSA's
Sports Central support the Midlands Golf Club to become more inclusive
In August 2020 Sports Central undertook consultation with people living with disability to determine the needs for inclusive sport and recreation opportunities within the region. Amongst many findings, this process identified a lack of opportunity for people living with intellectual disability to participate in community golf.
Click here to read the full article
Sport North East is one of 9 regional sport assemblies based around regional Victoria and supports people of all ages and abilities in North East Victoria to have an active lifestyle and to participate in sport and recreation. We work with sporting clubs, community organisations, and local people across the Alpine Shire, Indigo Shire, Towong Shire, Rural City of Wangaratta and City of Wodonga.
We aim to assist clubs in North East Victoria to be resilient and self-sustaining; to be the go-to resource for those clubs, local government and other community stakeholders wanting sport and recreation advice and development; and finally to activate an increase in the availability of sport and recreation for people living with a disability.
We use a person-first approach to seek and develop opportunities for people with disability to play, volunteer, and lead. We also consider the other side of participation, and work with clubs in building their capacity to include people with disability in their activities!
Like most, it was a tough time missing out on a season and sport you love playing. At the Dragons, it was no different. Mental health battles arose, loneliness was encountered and not being able to see friends was starting to take its toll. Amidst the uncertainty and difficulties of 2020, the Dragons took innovation head-on and with a helping hand from loyal partners, greater connections were created that we thought weren’t possible before.
Click here to read the full article
GippSport has returned to AAA programming

GippSport has recently been able to return to AAA programming after the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria. It has been fantastic to see everybody in person and witness the eagerness of participants to return to sport and recreational activities. During the lockdown period, as a way to keep PWD across Gippsland motivated to be active, GippSport facilitated an All Abilities Physical Activity Challenge in September.
With the overwhelming response of 256 registered and active participants, another challenge was facilitated across Social Inclusion Week in November with again well over 200 active participants. A case study outlining what the All Abilities Physical Activity Challenge was all about can be found on our website.
Click here for more information
South West Sport is one of nine Regional Sports Assemblies across Regional Victoria.
We service the South West region in Victoria; which incorporates the Corangamite Shire, Glenelg Shire, Moyne Shire, Southern Grampians Shire and Warrnambool City Council.
South West Sport has an office located in Warrnambool. South West Sport is an Access For All Abilities Regional Provider that works in partnership with sport and recreation organisations in the South West to: :
- Increase community awareness about the benefits of inclusive sport and recreation
- Ensure that planning for sport and recreation at the local level takes into account inclusion and accessibility
- Deliver more sport and recreation settings that are inclusive of and accessible to people with a disability
- Develop resources that support disability inclusion within sports clubs
- Link individuals to participation opportunities in sport and active recreation across the South West
- Support people with disability to play active roles within sports clubs (including a range of club activities such as scorekeeping, administration, coaching, and roles on committees)
- Most commonly, we work with clubs who have an idea for a program or event, and support them to make it a reality!
South West Sport is working with Warrnambool Tri Club to deliver the South West Victorian All Abilities Triathlon on Sunday 7th February 2021. This event is returning next year and is available to participants of all ages and abilities.
Click here to get involved
For Victorian site locations and more information, head to the AAA Play's Find An Activity here.
AAA Play is an initiative supported by the Victorian Government.
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