The latest on the campaign to save Streatham Hill Theatre.
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Wishing you a Happy New Year!

May your 2021 be better than your 2020!

Despite the problems with COVID in 2020, the campaign has been able to proceed well. Let's hope we can get COVID behind us in 2021.
Could Streatham Hill Theatre look like this one day?

Can you help some more please?

The Spacehive Crowdfunder we ran earlier in the year was very successful, with pledges from hundreds of supporters and grants from Lambeth, Mayor of London and Theatres Trust more than reaching the total we needed to carry out the viability study and economic impact assessment. We thank everyone who contributed!

Unfortunately, when Spacehive processed the pledges, some could not be collected. We suspect much of this was due to the arrival of COVID and its impact on pledgers employment and income making it no longer possible for them to contribute.

While we have received a few more donations (thank you!) since the Crowdfunder, we still have a small shortfall of around £2000.

As we enter the New Year with great proposals for the future of Streatham Hill Theatre emerging from the study (see below) we are asking if you can please donate a little more here to enable the campaign to continue. 
Thanks very much!
Please Donate
Show your support on our website
Following on from our newly announced Patrons, and our support from the creative industries, there's now a chance to publicly show your support by having your name listed as a supporter on our website.

All you need to do is to update your information here*, select the Publish my support option Yes and add the name and description you would like to publish, select your local connection, then review and correct any other data, and hit the Update Profile button.

* If you have been forwarded this email and are not already on our list, you can join us here.

We'll check your info and publish it on our website - we'll do batch updates so it may take a little while for your info to appear. We will only display on the website the information you provide in the "published" fields. All your other information is kept private.

Viability study and economic assessment
We received and workshopped the interim findings with consultants FEI in December, and have also discussed it with our Trustees and our Expert Panel. We went through highlights at the last campaign meeting. The study has gathered useful information, highlighted issues and identified proposal options for the future of SHT. These findings will be progressed to produce the final report around the end of January.

Talking with Stakeholders
As we start the new year we will be holding further meetings with local Councillors, Lambeth officers, our funders from Lambeth, GLA/Mayor of London and Theatres Trust, and also continuing to try to meet with the owners. As the study is progressing we have a number of issues and proposals we want to discuss with these stakeholders with the aim of moving forward the campaign.

Charitable Status
Our application for CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) status has been amended as a result of feedback from the Charity Commission and is back with them for assessment. We hope it will come through early in the new year.

Next Campaign Meeting
Come along to our next campaign meeting on 13th January to find out more about the above, and our other campaign activities and plans. Meeting details and registration below...

Streatham Hill Theatre - The story of a suburban theatre by John Cresswell
Paperback, 60 pages, only £10 including P&P to UK. Limited availability!

Sorry, we have had to increase the price due to fees and P&P costs. Our stock is now very low, and second hand copies are selling online at £20 or more.

Campaign Meeting - First of 2021

Do come along to our online campaign meeting:
Weds 13th January at 8pm

We have an update on latest activities including the viability study, and then we'll talk about next steps for our campaign.
Click the button to register at Eventbrite
to get the joining instructions for Zoom.
27th JANUARY 2021
Register for Online Meeting
When you register with Eventbrite they will automatically send you email reminders with links to the Zoom joining instructions nearer the time. You need to follow the link, login to Eventbrite and click on the Zoom link. This is for security reasons. There's more about how online meetings work on our website.

Keep Spreading the Word!

We continue to keep up our campaign for awareness and to seek support and potential users/operators, so please keep spreading the word to your friends, family, colleagues (forward this newsletter) and through your social media, and ask them to support the campaign too

Join us online, and donate to our campaign.

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