December 2020!
Im sending out my December 2020 Newsletter on the literal last day of the year, Im trying not to make myself feel bad about that. This will be much shorter than the last two monthly newsletters because I have been putting all of my little energy into my kickstarter campaign for my Embroidery Colouring Book. Its been the main thing keeping me going these past few months, motivating me to keep drawing and pursuing a new project.
Ive been doing this all while realising I probably have ADHD (thats a whole different story about sexism in medicine though) as well as being so close to diagnosis with Ankylosing Spondylitis (arthritis of the spine) which causes my hip pain. All these things going on in my body and mind, I have felt so overwhelmed at times. Its hard not to when we are in a global pandemic and even before that i was housebound for a year due to chronic pain. Feeling stuck, trapped in my own body which doesnt function how i need it to.
I have realised through launching this new project how much I missed connecting with people. After becoming less and less visible online due to my pain and algorithms, i felt like i was withdrawing. This kickstarter has reconnected me with people who love embroidery and those who may want to start learning embroidery. As long as i can share my passion for textiles and its rich history, i will have a purpose in life. My power is to share the medium that has given my life so much meaning, to share resources and educate others.
I want to end this shorter newsletter on a note of appreciation for everyone who has ever supported my art and my messages. Its been such a hard year, so much loss and injustice its hard to process. We must stick together, we must stay united and strong in the face of all the fuckery in this world. I hope to continue communicating with you all, sharing what I have learnt and what I have been making.
Love you, Happy New Year